Scams Scam's Lexicon

Scammer's Scam Glossary

Scam's Lexicon

(Internet Crime Complaint Center) - IC3's website is a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer cyber crime complaints. They claim to provide victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations but are neither effective in their actions taken against the 419scammers nor provide needful assistance to the victims.


A female 419scammer.


The largest city in Nigeria where world's most of the scammers live.


Refers to places like Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Cote D'Ivoire/Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia and Senegal where 419 scammers population is significantly higher than the victims.It may also refer to the mind-set of scammers(eg: "In ladland everyone is a potential target for a scam." )

Lad Leach

A web-based program created to needlessly burn bandwidth from websites owned by scammers.


The slang/terminology that scammers use when talking with each other attimes is used without their knowledge while talking with baiters and victims.Generally it involves the use of the word Pidgin which is a Nigerian language.


What baiters term the scammers as small for ""Lads from Lagos"". Ladette- A feminine scammer Lagos - city in Nigeria which contains the highest consentration of 419 scammers in the world Ladgerian - a person who is a Nigerian is referred to a Lad scammer Lad Leach - A web-based program intended to without cause blaze bandwidth from websites possessed by scammers.


A person who is a Nigerian is referred to a Lad scammer