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Bank Accounting Scams

Bank Accounting Scams:

Law enforcement directorate of Jamaica have nabbed few young lottery scammers those who belong to Montego Bay and interrogated them for several hours. Shocking news is that these scammers have vowed to continue their illegal activities even in the future since they feel that this is the only route for quick wealth. Most of the scammers those who hail from lower income group are in the group of less than 28 years. Jamaica Constabulary Force during 2007 and 2009 has confiscated US$ 283000 from criminals connected to the scam. Scammers follow variety of techniques to
Beware of Bank Accounting Scams
swindle the money from the account holders those who transact their money through online banking sites. Scams related to banking account protection are increasing and the account holders those who are transacting through online portals should show maximum caution. Latest word in the scamming world is smishing which is slightly different from the word phishing. When scammers use mobile devices and involve themselves in scamming activities it is defined as smishing. Probably this word will be added in the English dictionary soon. Scammers will pose themselves as bank officials and inform the target group that they have breached the security warnings and request them to call the toll free number and further they will request the target group to provide their PIN number for verification purpose. When the public replies they will lose their hard earned money from the bank account immediately.

Scams related to bank account alert :

In the recent past, an account holder lost an amount of $1800 to scammers and this interesting story went viral in the social sites. Scammers silently siphoned off the said amount from this lady's bank account without any signs or symptoms. Even the bank did not alert this lady when the scammer used her Starbucks card number in a famous coffee shop. So, the account holders should be very careful when using their gift or other types of debit and credit cards in a lonely place like subway hotels or underground coffee shops since scammers will be jotting down the card details silently. Some of the precautionary measures the bank account holders should follow are listed below:
  • Do not share the credit, debit or other gift card numbers to anyone, especially to third parties and strangers
  • When using the credit or debit cards check whether anyone is standing near to you.
  • Never reply to the mails from third parties and strangers. If they are requesting the pin and passwords never share these details to them.
  • Inform these types of scams to the cyber cell or other such departments who are handling online crimes.
  • Do not write the card numbers and other such details in a piece of paper in the public places.
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online bank scam

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