Scams » Scam And Its Types » Bond Scams

Bond Scams

The crook work of fraudulent stock brokers:

Share market business is an excellent platform to build an income for any enthusiastic investors, who have good knowledge about the business and genuine stock brokers but in most cases, people are ditched by scam brokers becoming a victim of bond scams. The sneaky bond scams involve sham stock brokers cold calling genuine investors and get them buy the unworthy shares or non- existing shares with a false claim of high returns. Keeping distance from these criminals is truly a difficult task as they use technical jargons, impressive fake websites and oily speeches that easily get you trapped. Here we have enclosed how these criminals approach you and spoof you off with their well spin web.

Traps you over phone:

These scammers contact you through phone and pretend to be a legitimate stock broker, who is been interested in offering you with huge investment opportunities. Through their tricky speeches, they get you into their way and reach your brains by putting you in pressure without even giving time to consider the nature of the investment.

Beware of Bond Scams

With a fake promise of maximum returns they make you buy the completely worthless shares that you cannot sell. Sometimes they even provide fake bond papers and certificates to make the deal seem genuine. In many cases, these sham operators make you sign the empty bond papers by inserting with other papers that deal with the business and rip off your properties effortlessly. Many people are losing their assets in these types of bond paper scams that wash your wealth completely.

fake bond scams
bond fraud

Gold bond scams:

The scammers use the expired gold clause law that became unenforceable in 1977, in U.S courts to cheat the innocents. The gold bond scams commonly called as the historical bond scams involves selling historical bonds to investors at inflated price far exceeding the fair value with the promise of paying the collectibles in a form of gold.

Surety bond scams:

Generally surety bond promises to answer for the debt of the third party, taking advantage on this, scammers approaches the legitimate companies and trick those with the fake surety bonds that contain a very similar name that of a well known, established surety company and rips off a lump sum amount. Even many well grown companies are falling into this pit every year.

Surety bond scams

Insurance bond scams:

These insurance bond scams are advance fee scams in which the phony brokers invite funds from investors with the promise of offering loan, contracts or some alluring properties in return but the fact is that the investor will not even receive single penny from these cold blooded crooks.
Insurance bond scams

Be cautious to protect yourself from bond scams:

While making investments, keep in mind that high returns always arrive with high risks and never dump your money into any suspicious schemes that lure you with inflated interest than the regular one. Before investing, investigate the company's status and details on your own without seeking the help of stock brokers. Visit the Financial Trade commission website to stay updated about the bond scams that are doing the rounds so that you can put yourself a barrier between you and these unwitting actions of the scammers.

bond scams

Characteristics of Bond Scams:

1. Sale of Fake Bonds: Scammers claim to have access to high-yield or exclusive bond investments and offer them to potential investors. These bonds are typically fictitious or do not exist.

2. Promises of High Returns: Fraudsters lure victims with promises of exceptionally high returns on their bond investments, often significantly exceeding what legitimate bonds offer.

3. Pressure to Invest Quickly: Scammers create a sense of urgency, pressuring victims to invest immediately by claiming that the bond opportunity is limited or time-sensitive.

4. Impersonation: Some scammers impersonate reputable financial institutions, government agencies, or licensed financial advisors to gain the trust of potential victims.

5. Lack of Documentation: Victims may receive little or no documentation related to the bond investment. Scammers avoid providing legitimate paperwork to cover their tracks.

6. Advance Fee Scams: Some bond scams involve requesting upfront fees for various purposes, such as processing fees, taxes, or legal expenses. Victims are told that these fees are necessary to access the bond investment.

Warning Signs of Bond Scams:

   - Unsolicited offers for bond investments via email, phone calls, or social media.

   - Promises of guaranteed or unrealistic high returns on bonds.

   - Pressure to make immediate investment decisions.

   - Lack of verifiable information about the bond issuer or investment opportunity.

   - Requests for upfront fees or payments before receiving bond documentation.

   - Claims of exclusive or secret bond opportunities.

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