Female Scammer Olga Alyeksyeyeva

Olga Alyeksyeyeva

Female Scammer Olga Alyeksyeyeva

E-mail: angel@selena.kherson.ua, pezaxza@gmail.com , sezakada@gmail.com, pesaxza@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Olga
Location [Address]: Ukraine, 73036, Kherson, 40 ly Kherson (Ukraine)
Age: 22
Birth Date: 18/6/1993
Aliases: Helga, Lelya, Olchik, Olechka,
Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Olga Alyeksyeyeva

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Reports :

1. It looks like I am another victim. I must attract the scammers. I have included a note and picture. Hi my dear! I am glad to welcome again you and I with impatience wait, when ═I ═can ═tell ═to ═you ═HI - personally. Thanks for your message. David, ═my day was very intense and is very tired. I reached in office of ═agency ═and ═signed with them the contract. In conformity with the contract, ═the agency will prepare me for all documents for travel, to buy ═for ═me ═the ═ticket and to deliver me to the plane. From my city there are no planes to you and consequently I all over again will need to ═reach to Moscow, and therefrom already to you. My agent needs some information ═for a route of the plane, inform me dear, the address and the ═nearest ═airport to you to which I shall arrive. This information is ═necessary ═tomorrow ═that ═the ═agent ═could ═develop route and to establish ═all ═cost ═of travel. Today I paid in him the first part of money, ═for ═the ═visa ═and other documents for travel. It was in some times ═more, than I thought. I planned, that the visa will cost for me about ═200 $, but because of difficulties for its reception is was for me 500. dear, it is possible, that to me you will be required the help for ═payment of other part of cost of travel. I have some money still, and ═also ═took some money at my parents, but it is possible them will not ═suffice for payment of the second part of cost, for insurance and tickets. ═It ═will ═be known after the agent will develop a route. The second ═part ═of ═cost I should pay under the contract, before to take away the visa. I shall inform you David, if to be necessary for me the help. ═I ═hope, ═that ═it ═will not be a problem for you and I can not worry about it. I informed you all news about promotion of our meeting and now I go to have a rest, I am very tired today. I hope, what I can soon ═embrace ═you ═David. ═I wait for your messages my favourite . My kisses and embraces!═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ Yours Angelok. ═ P.S. Do not overlook to inform the address and the near airport. Hi favourite David! I hope, what your holiday was good for you and you had an entertainment with the relatives? I would be very glad to speak with you to phone, but we with parents live in a new apartment and had not time to put yet phone in an apartment. But if you very much want, that we spoke with you to phone give me the number and I shall try to call to you from post office. I already informed to you, that Angelok this my nickname, and my real name Olga Alexandrova. I always counted myself the independent person, which itself can solve all problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into account and was mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I travelled earlier, it costed for me less. But I it is happy, what now I have you David, - the person, which can come to me to the aid and help me in a life. After ours acquaintances, at me varies sensations of. Earlier I counted myself the strong and independent person, and it was pleasant for me to feel, that I can care of myself. And now I feel simply the woman who requires support. But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside strong the man which protects me from all excitements of a life! David, I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he expected the staying charges for me. It will be for me 1350 $. Here tickets, insurance, road up to the airport and some other necessary charges. With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of cost. It near 500 $, and now is necessary for me, in 8-9 days near 850 $ to pay in agency the second part of cost travel. I hope dear, that this money not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me, in 8-9 days, 850 $ in agency . I shall learn from the agent as you can send them it. Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you difficulty by the haste. Probably it is not planned expenditure for you. If it so, not become angry about me please! I very much miss on you and I wait for ours meetings. I wait for your messages David! Thousand kisses. Yours Angelok.

2. Hello my love Rob!!!

I am glad that you have written to me but I to you now shall inform bad news to me do not allow to remove money because at them there what failure in system I do not understand that why but to you it will be better and more reliable to me so have told that you

have sent me on my personal account the given accounts: Beneficiary:ALEKSANDROVA OLGA ALEKSANDROVNA Account of beneficiary:

40817840589220001583 Intermediary: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., NEW YORK, NY, US, SWIFT: CHASUS33 Account With Institution: AVANGARD BANK,

MOSCOW, RU SWIFT: AVJSRUMM, translation needs to be made Swift necessarily Swift!!! And that I could remove the exact sum and all this will

work because it is my personal account for that that you could send me to you it is necessary to come to bank and to send Swift translation!!!

I hope that it will be better to work!!!! You need to go to company Money Gram and to remove back your money of 145 dollars and 50 dollars!!!!! I hope that you without problems will take away them and can send me on the account!!!!!! Rob, it will be better if you at once will send 690 dollars to me also I at once I shall start to do documents!!!!! I hope that at you everything is all right and we shall soon meet you!!!

I love you very strongly!!!!!!! You my prince of America!!!))) I shall wait from you for the answer!!! Yours and only

yours Olga.



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