Female Scammer Janet  tyler

Janet  tyler

Female Scammer Janet  tyler

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First Name: Janet
Location [Address]:
Age: 31
Birth Date: 03-01- 1984
Janet  tyler

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-Original Message-
Hello dear,its me here, how are you doing there ? i am very glad to hear from you, you make my evening,thank you. We went for a walk on the embankment with my co-worker Mila and there was only 1 artist, normally we do have many here in Summer and this one we met said,Oh ! so beautiful you are,can i draw a picture with your face ? She said it would be the nice Gift for my boyfriend,and i said, i do have the painting of me at home already we make before in Summer :) and yes,i have a boyfriend,but he stay an other country ! She said to take it with me when i go to visit you there and just to leave it in your home so you can look at it when i am far and imagine me there next to you :) Sorry for that i can not come here more often, it is only because i am just busy with my work or sometimes i can be tired too much also, dear,i have international diploma that allow me to work as dentist in English speaking countries. I am not sure how difficult is it to find work for dentist in your area and how much does it paid ? but here i work for private clinic and does not paid good. It is not only my work is paid not good, it is because of low level of salaries in Russia in whole. Any way i can save something sometimes, but the most i earn is enough for food and clothes. Well,i want to describe what is the right relationship to me, i mean they way of my family based on. First of all i do belive in God and i agree with some positions of relationship the Bible give it to us. By the way i am not too religious and i go to the Church on special holidays only,any way i see the power of Prayers doing my work. So the bible tell us that all relationships have to be based on love toward God,and love toward neighbor What does the right relationship means to me, i would explain it in few words and very short. I try to put my heart in what ever i do and it is in relationship also,so we can always find compromise and avoid conflicts. the right relationship for me is when you give a lot and do not need to ask something for "returning" from your partner, it just happens by their own way and this is the balance. When people can understand each other without words and when they do feel each other spiritual.Also i am sure that right relations build on good ****** relations and it is necessary to give to partner a lot of respect,are you agree with me ?I always try to give a lot to the man i am in relations with and i am agree with opinion of Austrian famous psychotherapist Zigmund Freid that there is never psychological problem for adult without conflict of ****** relations,that means if you have good ****** relations with your partner you are protected from stress I have been hurt before,but i did not loose the hope to find good man,and i will never loose it.You just became stronger every time when you are hurt should never loose hope and the happiness will bell the door someday. what is your opinion about money and how do the important in your life ? By they way i love to travel very much, i do have many pictures for you and will be sending more later, from my last vacation in Egypt also Looking forward to hearing from you With kiss



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