Female Scammer Galina 


Female Scammer Galina 

E-mail: galaua@ua.fm
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Galina
Location [Address]: unknown Yaremcha (Ukraine)
Age: 18
Birth Date:
Aliases: Galka, Galochka, Galusha, Galy

Reports :

this porsen send you emails for 2 weeks before she starts arksing for money strait away.she then inserts fake photos of pasport wicth you are a spost to think is hers. she then states that she dosent know any english and that she onily users the translater system to send me emails and that is whay i cant under stand them. i have inserted a part of the messge that she sent me to give you an example. Hi my lovely sweet friend Austin.I have read your letter.


I still hope to get your money help for my nesesary documents to your country. I want to meetyou faster, while we have this chance we must use it. I mean I stillneed your money help for visa registration. It is really veryimportant to get it soon, if I would not dot it this 7-12 days embassywill stop this process at all and I could not register visa in futureonly in 2010-2011 because they would note me in list of not payabilityperson and might say no for registration if I decide to do it.So that's why I want to use this chance.Please try to help me sooner.



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