Male Scammer Mark Clark

Scammer Mark Clark

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Mark
Location [Address]: Melbourne

Reports :

Mark started chatting to me - a widowed engineer , his wife passed away due to breast cancer. Then he told me he had this big engineering in the war zone of Australia. He is not allowed to make calls, because it's very stricken and can be picked up or interfere with radio room. Two guys were killed by Taliban and his contract finished on 21 November 2016. He asked me a favor - if I can receive his box of income for safekeeping as he didn't feel very safe and a United Nations diplomat will deliver it at my door. I said that can't do me any harm - it can stay with me. At that point in time I was in Saudi Arabia. The box was on its way to me when I let him know that I will return back to South Africa. I was contacted by Sunny Petraeus +44 20 3322 2452 from Heathrow in Londen.

They short a Bill of lading tag1,250 GBP. I send money via Western Union to:ID NAME: OKI ANITA RUKEVWE Country: AMERICA STATE: MASSACHUSETTS CITY: BOSTON ADDRESS: 31 Hiawatha Road Mattapan 02126 ZIP CODE: 02126 Telephone number: +1 6466796779. Then they need a Irrevocable / Unconditional Guarantee of Cargo Release by obtaining the (NON INSPECTION STICKER) for 2820 GBP through Ghana - apparently cheaper. ID NAME: EMMANUEL AGOBA Country: GHANA City: ACCRA Address: 30 Bank Road Nungua Accra 00233 Telephone number: +233 554541360 Then he wanted 2800 GBP more for Cargo for box and his ticker to Soth Africa and when arriving here he needed a 22845 GBP extra for FINAL DESTINATION DELIVERY OF CARGO CERTIFICATE!! That was when I realized this will never stop. I was naive in trying to safe this for Mark



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