Female Scammer Suseena Bhaji

Suseena Bhaji

Female Scammer Suseena Bhaji

E-mail: suseena_bhaji__3@hotmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Suseena
Location [Address]:
Age: 34
Birth Date: 8/5/1990
Suseena Bhaji

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Suseena Bhaji

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Suseena Bhaji

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Suseena Bhaji

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Reports :

-Original Message-
I am glad to speak again with you! dear, I have good news to you. Today I have met the agent travel to learn concerning the visa. he has explained me a situation about reception of the visa to you. Your government has made more strict control over entrance to the country because of terrorism and consequently to receive to you the visa uneasy. But the agency will make it for me. The agent has told, that they recently already received some visas of tourists in your country. I am very glad Nikolche, that we will not have with it big difficulties. I all over again had fears, that the agency cannot it to make or for this purpose very long time will be required. But the agent has told, that the visa will demand from them three or six days. Tomorrow I will need to reach in office of agency, to sign there the contract and also we shall decide question on payment of them. Now it is time to me to go lovely to make photos for the visa and to fill in questionnaires for embassy. The agent has told, it should be is prepared tomorrow when I shall come to them to office. I very pleased Nikolche, that now our preparations have begun and through small time we shall be together! Write to me lovely ideas, I wait for your messages.



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