Female Scammer Regina Zalyan
E-mail: kredregin@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Regina |
Location [Address]: | Azerbaijan, AZ8011, Gilazi-Khi Gilazi-Khizi (Azerbaijan) |
Age: | 26 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1
This is Regina from kazan, she is a scammer and Im very sure, I has suspected her lince the third letter but she dont know yet. I have no intention to send her money either. I suspected her and googled on the first sentence in her first letter, up came a scam warning site with examples of every letter she has wrote so far, just a good tip for anyone who want to find out in a easy way if their girls are a scammer. Irina Just nail her up please. Matz **************************************************************** Hello my new friend Matz! You would know how many pleasures you have brought to me having answered on my message. Now I understand, that in your country people are really responsible and sociable! I liked your structure! Today I have come to Internet - cafe and have seen there your letter, I was glad to see your letter and at once I answer you. I hope I can interest you. I directly would like to know more about you and to study your interests, where do you live, where you work. I would be very glad to have such friend as you. In a life I very joyful and cheerful person. I work as the hairdresser in a beauty salon. . I think, that the main features of human character, it - sincerity, kindness, politeness and as I think, That the person as to the person it is necessary. As each person should love and respect the country. I frequently see young pairs, and I see, as far as they are happy, and I am sincerely glad for them, but thus I constantly am without the man. In me one friend was bu t it is a bad history for me. I shall tell to you about it little bit later. Now I want to write some words about me directly. our parents were lost. With the sister it was difficult for me to go through it. We constantly recollect our parents. I live in a demountable apartment as I have no own. Since then time goes also I I cannot find myself the man with which in any way could make the family. And I have decided to try to find the man from other country. I have many interests. Let me to begin with some from them, well? I like to listen to various music, most of all I love classical quiet music. But I find very interesting other kinds of music. I like to read, especially romanticism and detectives. I do not smoke, I do not drink, never used drugs. I care of my appearance and health. I would like to meet the man, kind, good, gentle, close, careful, healthy and to make with it the life and family. I dream of own family and the favourite husband. Probably our purposes in a life coincide also you want the same. I was never married and I do not have children. But I very much like and I want to have children. I as want to know about your life and about your attitude to children. I have some questions to you. What do you expect from these attitudes? Whether it is valid you seriously search for your wife abroad? And what family of your dream? Please answer mine questions because they are very important for me. Let's try learn each other better. On it I am going to finish the letter and I shall look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. I hope, that you understand my English language. The best regards to you. Mariya Hello my Matz! Why you do not answer on my letters? Tell to me the truth. I have not liked you? I do not know that to me to think. I very much would like, that you would answer me. I every day wait for your letter, but I do not see it. I ask you to write to me that happened. I hope, that you will write to me the letter as soon as possible. I with impatience wait for your answer. Yours friend Mariya Hello my friend Matz! For me was pleasure to receive news from you! How your day? I think well! I was good! I very much am interested in you. I search for serious relationships what to create strong, loving family. What can I tell more about myself directly? My age 29. Mine birthday 30 March 1977. my growth 170. My weight 60. Eyes - green. I have no children, but I want them to have. I love a life. I like to wake up in the mornings and to not know, that will present me new day. I like to laugh and see when people are dared. I love sports. I two times a week go to pool and I am engaged there. I like to travel, though I never was abroad. Now I dream find the person with which I can to construct family and to live together with him. The main thing, that this person would understand me. Unless you do not think so? I think, that the main thing in the person, that at him in soul, instead of what it externally. I want, that the person was intellectual and alive with sensation of humour. I think, that we have good chance to know each other better... Spring my favourite season of year, I like to look, how the nature comes to the senses after winter. As the first kidneys on trees are rejected. Birds from whom the autumn has left in the south, arrive, but they again will come back. The first occurrence of a grass, is a lot of children in the street also are pleased to this season. Children are the future of our planet and on Them all our hope, they bring pleasure. I believe, that the main love in my life will still arrive, the god will help me with it. My favourite films now: ""Titanic"" and "" Night patrol "". I work from 8 mornings till 17 evenings every day except for Saturday and revivals. During the lunchtime I come in the Internet of cafe. Also I write to you letters. I have not enough time and means for entertainments, therefore I cannot allow me good rest. Why I search for the person in the Internet? Because I do not want to love Russian men. They egoists also do not want to care of the girls. At my sister the husband Russian. First at Them all was good, but in due course it started to drink much and at times even to beat her. She cannot throw him as has from him two years sons. I do not want such husband and the father of children. I think, that the ambassador it is letters you will know more about me. Please ask me that interests you. I shall answer your questions. But if I shall not answer your questions do not take offence. I it means cannot understand. As it is my first experience of dialogue in the Internet. I write letters from the Internet of cafe and he unfortunately sometimes happens is closed. I with impatience shall look forward to hearing from you. With greetings from Russia Mariya ************************************ here is the last two letters, of many... I sitll got them all.../Matz ************************************** Hello my loved and dear Matz! I am very glad to receive from you the letter my loved Matz. To me very much It is pleasant, that you write to me such remarkable words. With each yours The letter I fall in love with you all more and more. I with big Impatience I wait for our meeting with you, in fact I cannot live without any more You. You the unique person whom I love. You are very expensive to me. My feelings to you are very strong, in fact except for you I have more whom No. My Matz as I have written loved to you, that I shall go to agency and I learn that it is necessary for me for trip to you. Today I went in Agency and in tourist agency to me informed the information about Flight to you. When I have learned how many trip to you, will cost I nearly have not fainted. To me it became very bad, in fact at me is not present Such big money of what to arrive to you. First I not Knew that to me now to do. I have bypassed all familiar, what To ask for them what be a part of money, but all my familiar Have turned away from me and now I do not know that to me to do. My love Matz in tourist agency to me informed, that what To arrive to you to me it is necessary 987 euro. it is very big sum of money For me. Now I do not know that to me to do, in fact all my friends Have turned away from me, but I have person who loves me. At I was not present other choice more and on this I ask you, what you Has helped me with this money. This money are very necessary for me for that, What to arrive to you. Without this money we when we can not To meet and when we shall not be together and on this my loved Matz I ask you to help me with this money. I wanted to ask at You this money, but at me is not present other choice. In fact I am very strong You I love and I want to arrive as soon as possible to you. I hope, that you You will help me with this problem. In travel agency to me informed, That documents will be ready in 11 days after I shall pay to them Money. Now it is necessary for me, that you would help me with this money and We shall be together. I hope for your help. I very strongly love you and I would like to arrive somewhat quicker to you and to be with you beside. I cannot It is more to live without you. It is very difficult for me without your love to me. I I hope, that soon we shall together and we shall be the happiest people On all planet. On it I shall finish the letter and I shall be with big Impatience to wait for your answer. I love you and I shall always like. Your love Mariya. P.S. In the evening I shall call to you and I hope, that at us it will turn out to talk to you. I very much would like to hear your fine voice. ********************************************** before this letter I told her that I will come instead, appearantly she dont want ha ha... ********************************************** Hello my dear Matz! I am glad to receive from you the letter. Having read your letter I was surprised that you want to arrive to me. You unless do not know that I have in the country different, dangerous people. Such as robbers, at us not so it is safe as at you. As in Russia it is a lot of people which do not love foreigners. These gangsters attack you and beat, for example I yesterday have learned from the girlfriend that about 7 days ago we in city had incident, the man of 42 years from Europe was severely beaten and have selected all valuable that it was possible to take away. In the TV, in telenews frequently to be spoken about terrible incidents. It not only in our city occurs but also across all Russia. I cannot allow that with you that be happened. If with you that be there will be I shall not forgive to myself it. I do not want that you have undergone what be dangers. Please do not come to me, I strongly worry about you. I very much love you also you to me are not indifferent, you which that person I have found. I to you shall come also we shall have a good time as you want. I only ask you do not come to me I ask to answer my letter positively. Yours Mariya. P.S. I want to tell to you, that I have no a phone number and on this I ask you to send me the phone number and then I shall call to you. I very much would like to hear your fine voice. I really hope, that soon we shall together. I hope, that I can soon arrive to your country.