Female Scammer Margarita Pesotskaya

Margarita Pesotskaya

Female Scammer Margarita Pesotskaya

E-mail: pesotskaya254@googlemail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Margarita
Location [Address]: unknown Dzerzhinsk (Ukraine)
Age: 24
Birth Date:
Aliases: Margo, Rita

Reports :

Hello my dear Charles!!!!

"I am very glad that you answered me. To be honest, I was afraid that you would be afraid of my thoughts and forget about me. I am very tired today after my work. We had a lot of work there.Today, a pipe burst in the dormitory and flooded everything. I had to clean up everything for a long time. It was some kind of horror!!! Charles how are you today? I hope you had a better day than mine. I've already started imagining how I pack my things, get on the bus and go to Almaata to get on a plane and fly to Charles, and then fly to your meeting.If we were not far from each other, we would have already met.Would you like that? I want to be by your side, drop everything and be by your side. In order not to see all this horror that happens to me almost every day. I want to hug you, I want to see you in the morning, and not wait for the end of my work to read your letter. I really hope that you are of the same opinion, dear. I believe that you and I have met for a reason and will get to know each other during this time. Do you like talking to me? It seems to me that I have found my man and am ready to do anything for him! You're ready to do things for me, too, aren't you? The actions of a man. I'm sorry that I'm telling you this so harshly, but in fact I came home from work, read your letter and wanted to share with you what I feel, what I want, what I dream about. And I dream of being next to you. Do you want to be with me? I really hope that I don't strain you too much with my thoughts and I hope that you understand and accept me. My dear Charles. I kiss you and look forward to your answer, my dear. Your Margarita Pesotskaya"



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