Female Scammer Joy Gaice

Joy Gaice

Female Scammer Joy Gaice

E-mail: joygaice@yahoo.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Joy
Location [Address]:
Age: 28
Birth Date: 9/9/1987

Reports :

-Original Message-
Hello my dear beloved, I want to say that in recent days, I was very nervous. I think a great deal about our relationship. I want to say that I am very hurt because of the fact that our meeting prevented circumstances. I really cried a lot in recent days. I was very upset. I am sorry that I did not respond immediately to your letter. Yesterday I was very busy. My soul mate , I want to tell the good news to you. After I read your last letter, I decided to follow your advice. I decided to try to find a bank that can give at least some credit to me. I began to learn from my friends Regarding your bank which can issue credit without a certificate of income. I have a very long time communicating with my friends. And finally, the girl with whom I work, advised me to one bank. She said that the bank can help me. I asked my friend the address of this bank. I immediately went to the bank. At the bank I found out that the certificate of income is not required to obtain credit. I was very happy about that. Of course, I want to say that this bank is very large percentage of the overpayment. But it is not very import_ant to me. The most import_ant thing is that we have a chance to make our meeting. Rafal, I want to say that the bank I could take credit for 500 euro. I am very glad that I managed to get the money. Because I had already begun to lose faith in the fact that our meeting will be fulfilled. So this money is very import_ant to me. I can not believe my luck. After the bank I immediately went to a travel agency. Since before the beginning of my vacation time is short. In the travel agency I immediately signed a contract. Manager of travel agency told me that I still can pay only part of the required sum of money. At the moment, the most import_ant thing to start preparing my documents for travel. We can not waste time. Manager of travel agency said that the remaining amount of money I can pay a little later. I am insanely happy that travel agency begins to prepare my documents. This means that our meeting approached one step further. I am very happy that I found the money. It is very import_ant to me. I did all that was in my power. I got the maximum amount of money. Large amount, I could not find. Dear , I wrote to you that just need 850 euros to pay for my trip. Now I just need 350 euro. So my only hope is you. Lovely one, I want to say that now I only hope for your help. I very much hope that you'll help me. I understand that it is still a very large sum of money to pay all my travel. But this money is necessary that we could finally realize our meeting. Honey , I hope very much that you can help me! you asked that I sent a photo of my passport to you. I want to say that at this time, I unfortunately can not send a photo of my passport to you. Because now my passport is in a travel agency. Travel agencies have already started preparing my documents for travel. The agency is currently in great need of my passport. Since the agency should have time to time to prepare all the documents. I can not now pick up my passport from the travel agency. I'll send photos of my passport to you when it will be possible. I count on your understanding you must understand me. Dear Rafal, I'm really miss you. I want to feel you next to me.



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