Female Scammer Irina Milekhina

Irina Milekhina

Female Scammer Irina Milekhina

E-mail: angel2006ma@hotmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Irina
Location [Address]: Ukraine, Mariupol, K. Libkneht Mariupol (Ukraine)
Age: 24
Birth Date:
Aliases: Ira, Irena, Irene, Irinka, Iri

Reports :

Hello my love George!!!!!!

"How are you without me? I am far away from you. I wish you a good mood. Thank you for being sincere With me. What have I been doing without you. You are a reliable, attractive, noble man. I want you to be like that always. Promise me My dear friend, forgive me for making you wait so long for my letter! My laptop was broken and I had no access to mail. Now my laptop is fixed and I can keep writing to you!I want our communication was always with a sincere and open heart. You understand that I am very much worried right now. I'm worried about Mom. I go to her room and stand at the door. I stand looking at her and cry.I remember my childhood. It was hard for her when I was little.I noticed at night that my mother was crying quietly in the kitchen. Then it was very hard for her to raise me, feed me, and clothe me by herself. I would come up and hug her. I told her that I loved her very much. She is the one I love the most. I really love ,appreciate, respect my mom. In our family with my mom, there has always been care, love and understanding.I want to tell you that there should always be honesty, understanding, care and respect between us. I don't want there to be words between us only in letters. Before I wrote you this letter, I sat and thought about how to write you a letter. I thought about how to confess my feelings to you, how to tell you that you are a good-looking man for me. Because these words are very serious. You understand that all these words carry a great responsibility, affection, caring. These words come sincerely from my heart. I hope you understand that now you are not alone. And we are responsible to each other. We are responsible for our words and actions. We need to take care of each other, We need to have patience, respect, understanding and of course faith, no matter what. If your love is sincere, you will always love me and and take care of me. In spite of any difficulties. You promise me And I hope you will do anything for our love. For our love has no political boundaries, no difference in communication or culture. Since all this is a temporary matter. Because we can teach each other our culture and languages of communication.You know, I wanted to watch your reaction now as I confess my love to you. I wanted to see your joy and happiness. You must have a smile on your face right now. Your heart is beating in a crazy rhythm and you are the happiest man in the world. I've weighed everything right now and I'm telling you sincerely that - I love you.You are my true love. And my heart belongs to you. I have the courage to tell you my a declaration of love.Every day I try to send you my letter, and my picture, and with them to give you my warmth, and my affection! I want you to understand the responsibility and seriousness in our love. With love sincerely, your Irina Milekhina."



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