Female Scammer Dasha
E-mail: dasha_pogostuk@mail.ru
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Dasha |
Location [Address]: | Luhansk |
Age: | 34 |
Birth Date: | 21-08-1981 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1asking for money for sick younger sister who requires operation here is transcript of conversation: Darina has accepted your invitation. robert: hello ! robert: how are you ? Darina: not well but you? robert: not well ? robert: i am good ... today is a lazy day for me :-) Darina: beside me ill sister younger to her 6 years I pleased that beside you all well robert: where are you ? Darina: i am here robert: ha ha ha where is 'here' ? robert: i am in Manchester Darina: I am Moldova Tiraspol robert: did you receive my letter ? i sent you a letter earlier today Darina: no robert: how is Tiraspol ? robert: ok ... the letter says i was VERY surprised you want to talk ... have you seen my picture ?? maybe you need glasses :-)))) robert: this is my manchester hulour robert: *humour robert: i can speak very good english ... i cannot type very good english robert: here is my email address if you want to write or talk on msn messenger robert: robertwoodward@hotmail.com Darina: I not before funs beside yen seriously ill sister Darina: She needs to help robert: what is wrong with her ? Darina: Beside it heavy form Atitiusa - a tumor on neck robert: will she be ok ? Darina: She needs operation robert: when ? Darina: We live without parents and beside I come short money on operation robert: this not good ! Darina: Urgently...but beside I come short money... robert: and you need money ? Darina: Yes but me not comfortable you to ask.. robert: why ? robert: let me guess, you would like me to send you money ? Darina: You like me and I do not want that you has thought that I scammers robert: scammers ? what is this ? Darina: You want to look photo of my sister robert: ok robert: how ? robert: will you email this picture to me ? Darina: I have sent///you has got Darina: ? robert: i can see now robert: is she not your daughter ? Darina: No this my sister Darina: Our parents have died two years back and we live in 2 robert: so why cannot you take her to hospital ? or a doctor ? Darina: Our parents have died two years back and we live in 2 Darina: She there is no one to help except me robert: so what can i do to help ? Darina: I much not comfortable...The Operation costs 290 dollars I have found 200 but 90 comes short... Darina: If you can help... robert: where do i send money ? Darina: You can to send money through Western Union robert: ok where to ? Darina: My name Dasha BelyaevaMoldovacity Tiraspolstreet Lenina 21/6 Darina: City Tiraspol Darina: Dasha Belyaeva Darina: adrees street Lenina 21/6 Darina: Moldova Darina: I shall you much obliged if you will help...