Female Scammer Cathyown Love

Cathyown Love

Female Scammer Cathyown Love

E-mail: cathyownslove@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Cathyown
Location [Address]:
Age: 28
Birth Date: 5/3/1990
Cathyown Love

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Reports :

Scam Report:

My Love,

How are you today ? i know that you are well and good for me. honey i am getting better because you are there for me, i thank you so much for all your effort and caring you have been showing for us to live a better life, i am always thinking about you every seconds of my life here, God will bless and reward you for every effort you are making to see me out of this horrible situation that i found myself today as a result of the death of my mother, with all hopes that you will assist me to transfer my late mother money to your position for a better life with you, i appreciate the way you are handling the transfer of my late mother money to your position and in your own account pending my arrival to meet you, so that i will start a new life with you, honey i am suffering here in this prison called orphanage home and i believe with God and you by my side i can start a new life in your country after the transfer of my late mother money to your account, i have seen what the bank is demanding before they will transfer my late mother money to your position, the bank sent me a message, presently i have my late mother's death certificate and deposit certificate account with me here which i have giving to the lawyer at once, the only problem we have now is the power of attorney and the affidavits of oath which the bank said that it will be issued and by a Senegalese resident lawyer here in Senegal for me to sign my signature on it, i explained every thing to the reverend father and the reverend father gave me the contact information's of the lawyer who will help us to provides the power of attorney and the affidavits of oath documents, he said that is one of the best lawyers here in Dakar Senegal, the name of the lawyer is Barrister Raymond Owoh he is one of the lawyers working with the United Nations here in Dakar Senegal. i want you to contact him both on phone and email telling him that you are my foreign partner that you need his service to prepare a power of attorney and the affidavits of oath documents that will enable you transfer my late mother money

$5.7 million dollars

from ROYAL BANK IN LONDON to your account on my behalf due to my orphanage status. His contact informations are as follows, lawyer's name is Barrister Raymond Owoh

God bless you as you contact him immediately,

Yours in love forever

Cathyown Love

Subject: I think you are the right man for me, darling...

I think you are the right man for me, darling...

which country are you at and what do you do for a living




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