Female Scammer Yuliya 


Female Scammer Yuliya 

E-mail: yuliya.cheb@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Yuliya
Location [Address]: CheboksaryCheboksary
Birth Date:

Reports :

-Original Message-
Hello my dear one. How you do? How your day? I the order. Only it is very tired naaiaiy. I wish to go home and to have rest. My dear I very much to miss you. I thought of you very much today. Recollected your letters. I would give much for an instant to see you and to walk with you on city.Today very much a sunny day and all of thawing in the street. Very well and I an idea. That all snow to thaw. The spring has arrived and to pleasure of a downpour. It - even is more than pleasure from your letters my dear. I have problems with money now and I can not write to you often. The Internet of cafe it is dear now to me and I cannot write to you often. My dear you understand me. I would be glad to write to you every day, but I cannot do it now. Now I shall finish my dear. I wish to have rest.I wait your letters. Now I shall have rest and to think of you. My wishes to you and my most gentle kisses.Hello my dear ! How are you today?I hope that you are in good mood! And my letters make your mood more and more better. I want to tell you that ideas about you don't leave me all time! After your last letter, I was think about us and about all this things that we have between us.These feelings... they are very warm, and you know, I saw at the night on the sky where was be very beutiful moon. So if you will have time, look at it, and you will understand all my feelings.



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