Scams » Scam And Its Types »PayPal Transaction Scam

PayPal Transaction Scam

How Sendi Permata Scam works?

Scammers play varieties of fraudulent roles and swindle millions of dollars from PayPal account holders. The latest addition in the PayPal scam which has gone viral on the online channels is Sendi Permata Scam. The hackers send alert emails and messages which contain short text like "You have recently paid an amount of 50$ to Sendi Permata. If you had wrongly made this transaction, we would request you to notify the same to PayPal immediately. Click the link for notifying the complaint to PayPal." The messages will look as if it was sent officially by PayPal. If you observe the message closely, it will contain lots of grammatical and sentence formation errors. But the innocent PayPal users without exploring the message will hurriedly click the link and feed their PayPal password.


The hackers will immediately sign in to the PayPal website and siphon off the money without signs and signals. Business professionals, traders, and merchants who transfer and receive huge money regularly through PayPal mobile and online payment gateways should never part their PayPal user id and password to unknown persons or third parties. As per the terms and conditions, PayPal will compensate the loss only when the users lose money during online transactions. It never takes the responsibility of compensating the loss when the users lose the money to scammers or hackers. You should never show sympathy to scammers or hackers and forward the scamming messages instantly to PayPal officials using proper time-tested channels. As a responsible citizen, you should also escalate the scamming activity to cyber police or force.

Understanding the seriousness of such scams :-

Millions of people are using mobile phones for texting, gaming, exploring sites, and business purposes. The number of mobile users has grown leaps and bounds over the years. That being the case the number of scams and hacks have also increased multi-fold in recent years.


Mobile users may receive catchy emails and texts like "We observe that you have transferred an amount of 75$ to Sendi Permata through PayPal on so and so date. If you have not made this payment to Sendi Permata, we request you to click the link and register your complaint with PayPal immediately".

If you accidentally click the given link, it may take you to a third-party website where you will be prompted to feed the PayPal password. The site will look as if it is SSL encrypted and have HTTPS://. If you innocently feed the password the hackers will gain entry into your PayPal account and siphon off the money which you have safely kept inside the wallet. Scamming, hacking and cyber-attacks are serious offenses and the perpetrators who commit such criminal offenses should be brought to book. Cybersecurity forces are taking massive security measures and take severe actions against scammers. The cyber patrolling force has also nabbed plenty of hackers and scammers red-handed in the recent past and seized money worth millions of dollars.

Where to report such dangerous scams:-

Scammers acting from third-world countries target PayPal users since the majority of them receive funds from various sources. The hackers are aware that PayPal users share their passwords when they are given pressure in various ways. PayPal is one of the fastest-growing digital payment platforms which has an extensive network throughout the world. PayPal has accepted the fact that plenty of users have lost money to scamming world. You should never sign inside PayPal mobile payment portal or website in crowded places like banks, markets, streets, and malls and always choose secluded places where there are fewer human activities.

The PayPal users should report the Sendi Permata message scams to one of the following government organizations and follow up with them for getting status.

  • The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
  • The FBI
  • The Justice

PayPal users should never lodge scamming-related complaints to private investigators or unknown investigation organizations without exploring their whereabouts. It is worth noting that even the scammers pose as investigation authorities and extract your personal information. The ICCC3 and government organizations listed above are reliable and honest intermediaries that take swift action against scammers.

How can PayPal users protect themselves from scams, phishing, and hackings?

The US government takes massive measures to arrest the scammers and disseminate the scamming-related activities to the public. You should take efforts to explore the online free journals, News channels, websites, and government websites that provide information about the latest scamming and hacking activities.
Click here to subscribe to the latest newspapers that provide valuable information about scamming and phishing activities.


How to protect your data from cyber attacks?

Mobile users often receive product promotion, social networking, spiritual and health-related emails, and messages. Though most of the messages and emails are sent with an honest intention to promote their products and services few sent emails and texts with an objective to swindle the PayPal users' hard-earned money. The android mobile and iPhone users should take efforts to update their version regularly. They can also run security patches and protect their data from cyber-attacks. You should never store your PayPal user id and PW inside the mobile gadgets since hackers will steal your data at any point in time.


Never share the OTP, PIN, credit and debit card number, CVV, and sensitive data with third parties. The PayPal users should never erase the scamming and phishing messages and forward the same to concerned authorities.

If you receive a YouTube link that directs you to a third party or unknown website, then share the screenshot and messages details to PayPal and the cybersecurity force. PayPal Sendi Permata Scam is not new and these types of dangerous scams are popular everywhere.

These messages are sent with an intention to divert the attention of PayPal users and siphoning off the money kept safely and securely in PayPal account. Never share the scam details on online discussion forums or social media networks since these activities will only aggravate the problem.

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