Scams » Scam And Its Types » Jury Duty Scams

Jury Duty Scams

Scammers shoot hundreds of scary emails and make hundreds of phone calls every day with the sole purpose of stealing the personal and financial details of the public. They also use latest electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, iphones and voice recorders to scare the public. Well-informed citizens will escape from their criminal web but innocent people will lose their money when they reply to them with their financial particulars. Government Authorities, Governing Banks, Cyber Cell, Interpol and other such organization are warning the public not to share their personal and financial details to the third parties. But laymen those who are new to mails and the internet will fall prey to these types of

Beware of Jury Duty Scams

scams and become a victim to the scammers those who are operating from distant lands. These days' scammers pose themselves as magistrates, attorney and lawyers and swindle the money from the innocent victim.

Jury duty scams involve fraudulent attempts to exploit individuals' fear of legal consequences by impersonating court officials or law enforcement agencies. Typically, the scammer contacts the target, claiming they have missed jury duty and now face fines or arrest warrants. To resolve the supposed issue, the victim is coerced into providing personal information or making immediate payments. It's important to note that legitimate court communications are never conducted over the phone, and officials would not demand immediate payments or sensitive information. To avoid falling victim to jury duty scams, individuals should verify any such communication directly with their local courthouse, refrain from sharing personal information over the phone, and report any suspicious contacts to law enforcement. Awareness and skepticism are key defenses against these deceptive tactics.

More such shocking news will be making the rounds in the future when the authorities are watching these activities as mute spectators. Scams related to jury duty are hitting the headlines these days. This is somewhat related to identity theft where the scammers will try to steal the personal details of the public such as social security number, date of birth, credit card number and expiry date of the card by sending emails or making phone calls. Mails will look like genuine and will have the following words "You have failed to report for jury duty and the court has issued an arrest warrant against you". These types of scams are famous in the states of Michigan, Ohio, Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington and the police authorities are receiving many complaints related to these types of scams. Scammers will also pose themselves as jurors and make a call from distant land. Their voice will be extremely bold and confident which will put the public in extreme fear. Once they fall victim to these hooligans the scammers will steal all the date in a flash of a second and run away with the money. Citizens should follow the below mentioned guidelines when there is a call from the scammer.

  • Do not fall prey when the scammers' voice is bold and confident. Scammer will say that he is calling from federal court and holds high rank. Do not bother simply hang the call immediately.
  • Never share the Social Security Numbers, bank details and other financial details to third parties or strangers.
  • Escalate the matter to Clerks of Court or Police authorities or FBI who will take-up the matter in a different way.
  • Never have close tie-ups or emotional bondage with scammers since he will try to build a rapport and siphon off your money in no time.
  • Shoot them a fitting reply mail which will scare them away.
  • Check out with others like friends or colleagues whether they are also receiving calls or mails like these from scamming world.

Scammers will also a shoot a letter to the target group stating that the court has issued an arrest warrant for non-compliance of certain property law or tax. Do not pay heed to these types jury related letters and just tear it off immediately after receiving.

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