Male Scammer Steven Totti

Scammer Steven Totti

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Steven
Location [Address]:
Age: 53

Steven Totti

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Reports :

---Original Message---
His name is Steven Totti, I met him on We chatted a bit and he stated he would like my phone number to call/text me because he was taking his profile down. He stated he received a message from a woman asking him if he wanted sex and he wasn't pleased with that. He stated his wife died recently and he wanted a nice woman. I gave him my number and we texted back and forth. The pictures I will attached are of him because we did skype once or twice.
He stated he lived in MA. The number I am texting and he is texting from is 1-336-293-1168. He has another number which is 978-773-3959. He claimed he was a retired engineer and his company was out of Hawaii. He has an accent and states he is from Italy. His company put on the retirement in Hawaii for him and others who retired the same time. The company paid for the flight and he had to pay to go home. He stayed at a hotel while he was there.
He asked me if I would by 2 apple cards so he could update his phone as he was using another persons phone to talk to me. He said he would pay me back when he returned. I did that and took a picture of the cards so he could use the code. Then he needed $1500. $1000 for his flight back and $500. for food as he maxed out his credit card paying for the hotel room. I wired it to supposedly a person that worked for the company who could get him a 1st class ticket at a discount and claimed he had to go first class because of the amount of money he had with him which was a check for over six million. He stated he pulled it out of his retirement fund.
He now needed $1000. Because he was held up and missed his flight. I used a bitcoin machine and sent him the $1000. Now he wanted more money because he had to eat . I told him that I was not sending anymore money as I sent him $500. to eat. He begged me for days and claimed he was sleeping in the airport because he had no money and was starving. He asked me to check his bank account and gave me the password to see he deposited the retirement check and it was on hold so he could not get his money. I'm sure it was a fake site. I did check it and it appeared the check was on hold.
He continued to ask me for money and I kept refusing. I told him that he should go back to his company and let them help him. He said they were mad because he took all of his retirement money out. He texted me 3 weeks ago stating he was now home and did not want to meet me because I would not help him. He wanted to mail the check to me. I gave him my friends husbands name and address, which they approved of. Three days later he is asking me to get him another apple card for his phone. I refused. I asked him where was my check. He said he would add it to the check. He is supposed to be home as he stated earlier. He continues to text me asking for even more money. He went from $2000. to $20. and asked me to please reply, Then he said one day he is in a bad situation, please reply. The next day he said he drank drank poison and is dying, to please talk to him and today he said he is starving to death. This guy is whacked. I ignore the texts. I guess I haven't blocked him yet as I was hoping for my money but I don't see that happening at this point.
The HEIC pic is the better picture as he is in full bloom and you can see him more clear. I attached the other two even though he is with others maybe if you can't open the HEIC pic you can maybe blow up his face and get the better of the two..



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