Male Scammer Smith Ollar

Scammer Smith Ollar

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Smith
Location [Address]: unknown Accra (Ghana)
Age: 48
Aka: unknown
Phone: 13603624356

Reports :

Scam Report

Beware of this man. He is a dangerous man. He is a scammer. I met him through the site called tagged. He introduced himself as Smith Ollar from the US Navy which is assigned in Gulf Alaska. He first asked for my email for continous communication because according to him it would be difficult for us to meet on tagged due to the nature of his job. He was so nice and sweet and he even uses the name of the Lord which made me open a communication with him. Being a christian it has always been my prayer to have a relationship with someone who have the same faith as mine. David Kushner seems to be a good follower of Christas He always include the name of God in our coversation which made me trust on him. After almost one month of chatting, he told me that he would sent me a package not to win my heart but as assign of his love towards me. And then after one day Dec. 6, 2016 the package arrived. One of the staff of named Sam Garcia contacted me and tell me that the package is already arrived and ask me if I already check the tracking number on the site that David Kushner had given me. Upon browsing on the site I was able to see the Shipping Detail of the package. It seems so really real. I texted Sam Garcia to inform her that I have already check the tracking number and she told me that I have to pay for administrative charges which is amounted to Php 18,300. I ask her why before I pay. She told me that I have to pay for it for them to pull it out immediately and to have a confirmation from the accounting manager once the payment is done. I even ask her why I have to pay for it, was David unable to pay for the charges? But he insisted I have to pay for it as an administrative charges coz if not someone might open the box. Being threathened for the box to be open I paid the Php 18,300 administrative charges and I deposit it at 11:57 am through metrobank account of JOCEL DAYAL DOMINGO with account number 218-3-21829506-2 and sent the deposit slip through for confirmation. Sam told me that the delivery will take 2 hours after the confirmation for deposit is done. Being busy at my work I havent noticed that its already 2pm but I havent received a notice from her. Until I texted her and ask her if the box was already deliver. I was so shocked when one of the releasing officer Michael Moss of told me that they have found $5000 dollar on the box being sent to me. He ask me if I am aware of that, I said no because I am really not. He told me that I have to pay the 20% of $5000 for the violation. He even give the phone to Sam to talk to me. And like what He has said Sam also told me to pay for the 20% which is equivalent to 47,000. I was so shocked because that was a big amount of money. On Dec. 7, 2016 I texted Sam Garcia because I already received an notice of infringement from coming from ALBERTO IMELDA regarding the violation of David Kushner of putting an undeclared amount of $5000 on the package. It is written in the notice that I have to cooperate with them and have to pay for the 30%. So I call Sam Garcia because on our conversation last Dec. 6 she and Michael Moss only ask for the 20%. And Sam assured me that 20% is ok. So I have to pay for it so that the package would send immediately to me. I pay for it and deposited on the metrobank account of EMILY DOMINGO 434-3-434-50703-1 at exactly 11:04 am. Same procedure I also sent the deposit slip through I was shocked again when in the afternoon I havent received any notice from Sam Garcia. I texted her for so many times until she replied and told me that she still in the custom and begging from the releasing officer on my behalf for the package to be release. She told me that the officer was asking for additional 10%. Sam Garcia texted me that their office is about to clise and it is their clearing officer who will contact me and in the position to give me the status of the package. I even call and text David Kushner about the status of the package that He sent. He replied on my email and asking me to pay for the additional 10% because it might cause him from being blacklisted in his arrival in the Philippines as a part of the US Navy working for south china sea. He told me that I need not to worry because I have to less the money I paid from the money that is inside the package. He even ask me to borrow money to pay for another 10% and give it immediately to for them not to confiscate the $5000 dollar. At this point I did not pay I almost cry out for I realized that I was being scammed. Please I am begging you to removed the account of this person David Kushner before He can victim a lot of women here in our country and other part of the world.



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