Male Scammer Nicolas Fad

Scammer Nicolas Fad

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Nicolas
Location [Address]: Kent, United Kingdom

Reports :

Scamming scenario:
He found me on Words With Friends and then moved to Hangouts at the end of April 2021. He claimed to be in love with me and wanted to move to my city and spend the rest of his life with me. He is very good at romantic words, sends numerous love stickers and seductive photos during the chat sessions. Since the photos matched the WWF and Facebook photos I knew I was talking with the man in the photos. We had 3-4 chat sessions daily for a total of 3-4 hours. He claimed to have been born in Madrid, Spain. I had met 5 romance scammers online previously and immediately suspected him due to his swift declaration of love, numerous lengthy 'love phrases', grammatical errors, inconsistencies and refusal to have a web session (Hangouts offers video and/or voice) because 'the ship didn't allow it'. He claimed to be a project manager on a drilling ship in the Black Sea based out of Istanbul. He said he was on a long term contract with the contract money already paid into his bank account to which he had no access from the ship. About 2 weeks into the online relationship (which I continued despite my suspicions because I was enjoying it), he started complaining that his company (would never tell me the name) was affected by the coronavirus pandemic and had stopped providing access to 'data' which he needed to work and to chat with me on Hangouts. He started out asking me to buy him Visa gift cards (which I unfortunately fell for totaling $1000 knowing it was technically fraud) so he could pay his data provider. We did decide mutually to meet but for that he said he had to apply for an 'emergency vacation' but that he would owe a fee of $15,200. Since he had no access to his money from the ship he asked me to pay this and that he would reimburse me once he got home.



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