Female Scammer Tamara Pustovoit

Tamara Pustovoit

Female Scammer Tamara Pustovoit

E-mail: sweettamma@meta.ua
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Tamara
Location [Address]: Nikolaev
Age: 36
Birth Date:
Tamara Pustovoit

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Thank you for information which you gave me! As I told you, today I was in travel agency and I taken my visa. I send you copy of this. I am also wanted to buy tickets to flight. But this is very expensive! The tickets to flight to you and back cost 760 USD. I am taken my salary, but it is just 400 USD. I am paid on friday for visa 90 USD and now I have just 300 USD. You know, in agency said that it is good proposal. And for me this suitable. I will flight on sunday 28 of january and back on sunday 11 of february. For at do not lost this tickets I am paid my 300 USD in agency of travel. And I want to ask you help me with tickets. I am leave your e-mail in agency, they will send you information. Can you pay to travel agency 460 USD? Because I cannot find more money! I understand that it is not so good, but I have no nobody for at borrow money. As you can see, I serious with you. And I am want to visit you. Sure, that we will great time together. I will be wait letter from you. Hope all will be alright and we will meet on this weekend.



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