Female Scammer Synthia Desmond

Synthia Desmond

Female Scammer Synthia Desmond

E-mail: synthia2009desmond@yahoo.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Synthia
Location [Address]: unknown Dakar (Senegal)
Age: 24
Birth Date:
Aliases: Sintia, Syntia

Reports :

"Hello, my dear friend Williams!
I'm excited, and now I'm a little nervous. My getting to know you is what it takes for me to change my life and start all over again! And I am not afraid to change my life. On the contrary, I am very serious about our communication, about you, and about life!
Otherwise, when I try to write my letter for you, my hands have some trembling. Laughter. I hope this sentence doesn't make you make me blush. Kiss...
It's very nice to learn something else about you. Yes, I know the sport, but it seems too dangerous and traumatic for my taste. Well, I like to watch more sports like figure skating. To me it's the most beautiful sport. And it's the one I like the most.
My dear, I had a little more time off from my work yesterday. But, it was planned that I would have a lot of work. Me and my friend - we visited the Cafe in, we had a nice chat, and had a very interesting time, after that we went for a walk to the stores.
Since I like to drive, I will send you a picture of my license. So that you can see that I really know how to drive. You could say that it has been a dream of mine since childhood. But I don't have a car yet. And I want to realize my next dream is to buy a car. But that's in the distant future. You may think that I'm somehow trying to brag about myself, but I'll tell you that I had a dream, and I made it come true. I think you get my point.
And now, I have to finish my letter. But, I don't feel like doing it!
I have to, because I have no power over time. Smile.
Also, I'm interested in some questions: - Does our correspondence with you make your life so much brighter and more interesting? - How can you imagine our first night together? - What kind of music do you listen to, Pop, Hipp-hopp, Classic or Rock? With a tender kiss, Synthia Desmond."



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