Female Scammer Single Beauty

Single Beauty

Female Scammer Single Beauty

E-mail: singlebeauty11@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Single
Location [Address]:
Age: 24
Birth Date: 8/2/1990
Single Beauty

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Reports :

Scamming scenario:

Hello Dear,

I hope this letter find you meet in the best of health and spirits. Please, It is with a heart of an orphan and love for my freedom that i plead with you to consider this letter of mine, by giving it your fullest humanitarian consent and consideration,regarding my painful and sorrowful living in Dakar, Senegal.

However, in a details expression of who you are communicating with, My name is Sonia Asua, am 24 years old single girl,am caring, tenacious, resourceful, flexible, highly motivated person with a God fearing faith. I am a citizen of Mali by nationality, but currently residing and seeking Refugee Asylum Status in Dakar Senegal under the Authority of the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees Dakar Senegal;(UNHCR), as a result of the war or crisis that happened in my country. I am an orphan, i lost my parents in the recent Mali,governmental deadly war crisis.

In the light of the above, this message is coming to you with a broken heart and with a lot of tears and sorrow regarding my tearful and painful situation in another country as an orphan and as a refugee Camp candidate. i believes that i am compelled by my situation or prayers to drop you this note on my deep conviction about you through prayer,as a result of my diligent search for a honest and trustworthy someone and of which I have chosen you to help me out and also to assist me for the transfer of an inheritance, which I inherited from my late parents. My late parents Dr and Mrs Asua gueye whose suddenly lost their lives on the recent Malian war-crisis made a huge deposited of

$3.7 Million US dollars

with my name as a next of kin and heir to this account before their untimely and sudden death on the recent Mali war-crisis and I would want you to help me get this money transferred into your account through the will of Trust and self confidence. Please help me or assist me with every effort you can on my behalf because i need freedom and guardian for my future and inheritance. I thank you for your advance confidence and willingness to help me transfer my late parents inheritance and invest it in a lucrative business venture in your country for my career and life up-keep. Please if my condition touches your heart, help me out from this condition, because i have seen and witness all kinds of sorrow,humiliation,pain and disgrace in my current living situation.

i will like to know more about you, your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and everything about you prsently, attached is my picture.

Take care as i hope to read from you soonest

Yours sincerely




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