Female Scammer Ollie Lambart

Ollie Lambart

Female Scammer Ollie Lambart

E-mail: olliealone@hotmail.com
 4 ratings     

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First Name: Ollie
Location [Address]: unknown Lagos (Nigeria)
Age: 26
Birth Date:

Reports :

Hello, Today, when I started writing this letter, here is Tuesday, 14 June. What day is it today when you received my letter? Today it is very hot here in Tajikistan, in the morning the thermometer needle already shows plus 33 degrees. This morning I woke up very early, I was restless, because I kept remembering what I wrote to you yesterday. I hope you're not angry that I write so much about personal things, but perhaps yesterday's letter gave you the pleasure of reading it? Today I want to ask you: Have you ever had someone betray you at work? Yesterday I told you that I have a job, but I did not say what profession I work in. I work as a teacher at a school. I work at Secondary school number 14 in Dushanbe city. I am an English teacher. I teach International English and prepare children for exams. In the collective in which I work, there are many colleagues whom I always treat well. I really like to make friends and share my thoughts, because I have no one to share with relatives. Since I have no relatives and I have never been closer than my collective at school. I thought that if there is friendship, then it should be strong, without betrayal. But my colleague betrayed me. She told the whole school about me, that I was a lonely and old unmarried woman. She said that I was 37 years old, and that I had not yet started a family. So she made fun of me behind my back in front of the school staff. Those whom I considered my friend turned out to be a traitor.

My inner world turned upside down. I did not think that there are people who can be so deceitful. It turns out when I believed in friendship and shared my most intimate, My friendship has turned against me. I was ridiculed by telling the entire school collective everything I told her about. I am glad that I found out in time that with whom I am friends, otherwise I would have told her about our correspondence and then the whole school would know about it. But in time I heard from other colleagues what a "real" traitor she really is. And our friendship with her is over. It's good that I found out in time who to be friends with And she doesn't know anything about our correspondence and now I can share my most intimate with you. Because now in my life appeared you Richard I hope that I won't inconvenience you. that I share my thoughts with you. What can you tell me about this situation? How did you react if this incident happened to you? I would be very interested to know about you, I want you to tell me an interesting case with you Maybe you had exactly the same experience when a loved one betrays you? Or maybe one of your relatives does terrible things to you? In any case, I am waiting for a response letter from you, which I will open and it will be interesting for me to read I will make myself a strong black tea and read your reply letter. I want to get a letter from you that I could read at least 2 times like an interesting book tell me more about yourself, How was your day? What did you eat today? What do you want to do today? Has anything similar happened to you lately? Now I'm at work and I'm writing to you from my work computer, I work until tonight and I will have a second shift. But today, when I come, I will definitely look at what you wrote to me, After reading your letter, I will go to sleep with these thoughts.



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