Female Scammer Natalia Smirnova

Natalia Smirnova

Female Scammer Natalia Smirnova

E-mail: sexynata777@rambler.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Natalia
Location [Address]: Russia, Kirov, Terehova str., Kirov (Kyrgyzstan)
Age: 27
Birth Date:
Aliases: Nata, Natali, Nataliya, Natalo

Reports :

"Today when I started writing this letter, here is Saturday 25 February.I confess to you right away, this morning when I woke up I kept thinking about you I could not forget what I confessed to you for the last time I told you a lot of personal things, and I hope that you are not some kind of talker and will keep everything a secret.and you will not tell everyone about me and how I live. When I tell you the truth about me, I only share it with you .I don't share with your friends or relatives that I **********.If one person trusts another and tells everything and shares his secrets, this does not mean that now you need to spill secrets to everyone around you.We share our secrets with you, with each other, and let only the two of us know about them. If I come to you, I will know everything about you, but I won't spill it to anyone.Here is a simpleexample, I will show you what it means to keep secrets and be like an iron castle that keeps a secret. I will not hide. I want to come to your country and your city.Since it became terribly interesting for me to visit the place where you live I really want to see you in real life and shake your hand in person when we meet.Tell me, did this news come as a shock to you Or vice versa, will you be glad to meet and gladly meet me? I looked and found out that in order for me to come to you, I need to know the name of your nearest airport.I ask you to write me please the name of your nearest airport.I want to see today how much the trip will cost, I just looked around and found out that my Country Kyrgyzstan has an airport (Karakol Airport), and from my airport, I will be able to fly to your airport With transfers at another international airport I have a great desire to come to you and get to know you personally.I hope you don't mind this Natalia Smirnova."



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