Female Scammer Natalia Petrenko

Natalia Petrenko

Female Scammer Natalia Petrenko

E-mail: natalia.rulyka@yandex.ru
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Natalia
Location [Address]: Tchernozemnoe village
Age: 28
Birth Date: 11/9/1988

Natalia Petrenko

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Reports :

Scammer details:

Surname: Petrenko

Name: Natalia

City: Izum town

Country: Ukraine

Postal; Kharkovskaya region, Vorovskogo street 11

Phone: +380685343692

Natalia Petrenko is a fraud and a professional thief.

She works with another girl called Tamara Solomatina who masquerades as a travel agent with Aloha Travel Agency.

Natalia claims to a very naïve young girl in Ukraine who wants to meet a man in North America and she has many difficulties dealing with the necessary paperwork to get herself to North America.

Tamara Solomatina is conveniently available to arrange all of the travel plans as well as the passport and Visa Applications.

All of the documents produced by Natalia and Tamara are actually forgeries and never actually obtained. Just before Natalia is to leave on the airplane to North America, she is stopped by Ukrainian authorities because of unpaid education expenses and because Tamara has not actually purchased the airline tickets.



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