Female Scammer Nadezhda Gnevasheva

Nadezhda Gnevasheva

Female Scammer Nadezhda Gnevasheva

E-mail: nadyatula@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Nadezhda
Location [Address]: Russia, 300050, Tula, Mira str Tula (Russia)
Age: 26
Birth Date:
Aliases: Nada, Nadejda, Nadenka, Nadia,

Reports :

Hello my dear!!!! It was very pleasant for me to receive your remarkable letter today! Why you don't ever send your photos?! I love cats and dogs because they are very funny! You know, where there is a city Perm? It's not in Ukraine! City Perm it's Russian city! I to you shall tell. That you knew. It's the Perm area. City in the east of the European part of Russia, in the Pre-Urals,in the Urals, located on Kama River, lower than the confluence of the Chusovaya River, the administrative center of the Perm Territory and the Perm District, the transport hub on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the river port, has the status of a city of regional importance and a city district. Large diversified industrial, scientific, cultural and logistic center of the Urals. Population - 1051583 people. The city Perm was founded in 1723 year, in 1940-1957 years was named Molotov. Distance from Perm up to Moscow of 1441 km. To reach Moscow by train 19 hours. At us there passes a trunk-railway. On which it's possible to reach from Perm to Moscow. Perm it's very beautiful and green city. Here beautiful streets. It's a lot of trees, vegetation, it is green city. Here many kind grandmothers and grandfathers. They about my house gather and sit. They speak about a life. That as lived earlier. Earlier at Gorbachev lived well, and it is now bad. In the winter in the center there is a fur-tree. To many people everyone gather also are leased to a holiday. I don't know our industry. I'm not interested. It is not interesting to me. I'm engaged in the work. It benefits to me. I never looked in a telescope. Likely it is beautiful to look close at stars. I only see stars at night. I look at them from the ground.....

I hope that you liked my old letter and I to not tire you the story about itself. I had good mood and I would like to transfer it to you Colin. I want to tell that in Russia to live not easily but cheerfully. I want to tell to you about life in Russia. Here it is a lot of deceit. On the Internet I for the first time get acquainted. Therefore I do not know, whether there is a deceit on the Internet, but I want to speak not about it. I receive the small salary per one month - 27800 Russian Roubles and it does't suffice to me. Me and other teachers, but it not our fault. It's fault of our government in city. We as teachers are as state employees. That is we live on maintenance the government. The government to pay to teachers very small wages. It is good, that pay to us though any money. You imagine, as teachers now live. AND IF THE GOVERNMENT IN GENERAL PAY NOTHING. THAT AS TO US TO LIVE AND WORK. We ALSO WORK PRACTICALLY FOR the FREE-OF-CHARGE WORK. Because it is noble work. You probably already heard that the laughter prolongs a life? The person sometimes should laugh. Therefore do not think that I'm not the serious man. Now, as speak in Russia, a joke in the party.... Now I want to tell about that I like to eat. I love salads, especially salad from tomatoes with the cucumbers filled maioneze. I like to prepare for pancakes with sour cream. I also very much like to prepare for soup chicken, a borshch meat. I hope, that you will sometime try these soups. Excuse me please but that I have to finish my letter because now I have to check my students' workbooks, and then I will have a rest and I have thought about you Colin.... I will wait from you for your letter with your new thoughts…



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