Female Scammer mercy wfrancis

mercy wfrancis

Female Scammer mercy wfrancis

E-mail: mercyfrancis170@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: mercy
Location [Address]: California
Age: 40
Birth Date: 20-06-1980
mercy wfrancis

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Hello my dear, How are you? My name is Larisa. I am pleased to receive your e-mail, I think, my letter to you too do not remain without the answer. I was very much interested with your profile. I want to tell to you that I have no computer at home. I attend Internet - cafe, therefore I cannot answer at once your letters. First of all, I should explain, that I live in Russia in Asino, village Ksenyevka. You know, I never was in the USA. I think, that it is the beautiful country with good traditions. I very much like to travel. When I was small, we travelled with my parents on Russia much. And how about you? I hope, that you are not so sad that I live in Russia. But I want to be with you honest at once and that is why I tell you that I am from Russia. My profile shows that I am in the USA, but I never made it earlier, I do it for the first time, probably I have made something incorrectly. Now is spring arrives and it is getting warmer. It is -1 C (celcium) today. Winters are usually very cold. You know I hate cold weather. And what weather is in your place? Well, I think, that you want to learn more about me and my family. Mum gone from us when I was the little baby. My father died a few years ago. I have not sister and brother. I feel lonely. I am one here, therefore I want to try to find my love in other country. I have no here any native to me people to remain in Russia. I have decided to place my profile in Internet because I want to find the special person. I am very lonely here in Russia. I have no my unique and favourite person, because I do not like mentality of Russian men. I heard, many Russian girls, have found the happiness and the love in your country. And I too have decided to try. My girlfriend has found the husband in Internet. He is from Germany, they have found each other and now they are happy together and they live in Berlin. I also want to be happy with my special person. I want to love and I want to find the person, which will love me. I want to be happy and to find the love.



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