Female Scammer marina moskalenko

marina moskalenko

Female Scammer marina moskalenko

E-mail: fckreg@hotmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: marina
Location [Address]: Kiev
Age: 30
Birth Date: 1991-06-12
marina moskalenko

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Reports :

-Original Message-
How are you? Today I have a very difficult day at work. I got tired very much already. Still it is necessary for me to go home and I will take me some time to get to my house. I’d like the weekend come again soon. Yesterday as I told you I went to my parents’ place. I talked to my relatives about you. Now all my family knows about you. I told them about you. You know, it was very interesting for my sister also and she also asked me about you. Mum asked how old you are and my daddy asked if you have children. I answered their questions and we spoke about you last night. I told my family that you are a good person. After supper we spoke about you only with my mum. You are probably can guess, that there can be some secrets between mum and daughter and nobody can understand a daughter better than her own mother. Mum ,however, warned me that I shouldn’t rush to begin any relations with you. And I understand it myself. I said that you are a kind and decent man. If we have relations with you I think it will be necessary for you to speak with my daddy! He is also a very good person. He takes care of our family very much. My brother also helps my parents sometimes. Everyone wish me only happiness. I told my mum, that I want to go to the USA and to see how you live. Mum asked if you invited me to the USA. I told, that you would be very glad, if we meet and spend some time together. Dearest One, I also want you to come to me to Russia.



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