Female Scammer Julia 


Female Scammer Julia 

E-mail: meessori@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

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First Name: Julia
Location [Address]: unknown Kazan (Russia)
Age: 26
Birth Date:
Aliases: Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Jule, J

Reports :

It's seems that today another one very nice day (smile). And you know why, Richard? Because I again found your new letter in my mail! I see your words, I read your thoughts, sometimes I think that I even can feel what your mood was when you wrote me a letter. And it's true. I really like our letters and how develop our communication, our relations! If you count then you understand that it's not so many letter were written. But. If you try to analyze how much we could learn about each other already, how closer we becoming with each letter, then it may seems unreal. The number of letters really doesn't matter, much more important what we putted in that letters. Do you agree with me? Deep in my heart I want to hope that our correspondence bring you the same good emotions and warm feelings as it brings to me. But as I told you in the end of my previous letter you may tell me directly if you have other view on it. Here all is fine with me and I hope its fine with you also there. Thank you for all what you wrote me in your previous letter, as usually for me was interesting to know your opinion and something new about you. Thanks for new picture of you, for me it was interesting to see because it's part of your life, which interesting for me very much. About my picture with pink hairs, it was done in the spring that time I had some light mood and wanted to add something bright in my image. I'm absolute agree with you, that in love relations each part should not only receive but also to give something as an answer, and all this should be mutual and only then it will be absolute happiness, there will not be any offenses or sad moments.


I don't know if it possible to be too romantic. But to have some romantic desires or do some romantic unexpected actions to your loved one woman in ordinary life - it's absolute normal thing and any woman should be pleased to get it. Of cause if it's only not some bad woman with bad intentions about you. No, I never heard about bacalao and never taste it, maybe one day I be able to do it. I think you really good son and you take care of your mother, it tells me that you had the right upbringing and become very good man. In this letter I would like to tell you more about my country and it's traditions either. Hope it will be interesting for you. I would like to tell you how married couples spend their free time or what they can do in public places. And again religion has a very strong influence on it. Even married people can't kiss or show passion in public places. They may just take each other hands. Otherwise people around may judge them or even be aggressive. If you read on internet you will see that my country considers as secular state, but it's not correct. In my country there is still a practice of sharia court with very cruel rules. And this court is high above official law of my country. So for example for robbery they still can cut off a hand. You never find this info in internet, but it still happens in my country from time to time. From one side it's good because the number of robbery very little. But in the same time in my country there is a strong corruption in every part of people's life. Also family couples or a relative likes very much to visit each other with all big family. It's also some kind of tradition. Another tradition of my country is that most of people are too lazy. They don't like to hurry up or do something very fast. Even if you come to some government organization you may spend they whole day to get some simple paper with stamp. So bureaucracy is also enough strong here and too slow (smile). Hope now you know some more things about my country and lives here. I would be also interested to know something new and interesting about your country. Yes, I could read about it a little by internet or remember something from history lessons. But maybe you can tell me something interesting, that impossible to learn from internet? You may say how life changed during last years in your country, especially during previous year.


Here, I can't say, that situation between Russia and Ukraine somehow affected our country, our local people still the same good have busyness with Russia and Ukraine. And we don't think bad about any of this country or its people. Yes, the war is terrible thing because of many people die every day. But we can't do anything to stop it. I think it some kind of big politics case and they should stop it. I don't like to speak too much about these political and world things, because I think that there are no absolute right and innocent countries or politics, all this enough ***** thing and if to discuss it then it's possible to get serious quarrel. So I just wanted to tell you my opinion about it here. You may tell me if you like this changes which happened lately or not and why? Hope you share with me your thoughts about it in your next letter. I also wanted to add, that I feel not so much comfortable in this country as you may understand already your self. I feel like I should be born in some other country, with other religion and traditions. I can't be absolute free here, do all what I really want. I can't show my emotions or say what I really think and feel. Because I always have some small fear that somebody will know and judge it. I think it's not so easy to explain to you, since you live in absolute civilized country, with all freedoms and human rights. I think that if one day I change my country to another then I will start more better and easier life. And first of all it will be open and normal life, where I be able to share and show my emotions. I be able to be maximal open. Maximal natural. I really hope this happen one day in future. But it's not my main goal. I think it will be just a good add-on to the happiness that I get, when a real love appear in my life. By the way, during last time have you been thinking about changing your place of living? If it's hard to do for you if you decide to do it? What kind of reasons could make you relocate? One more time I want to tell you big thanks for you appeared in my life! For you are so nice, understanding and being so good man. I really feel relaxed with you, I think I never was so much opened for any man. I would like to give you strong hugs and a friendly kiss on your cheek. Esmi p.s. I'm sending you picture from my kitchen, when I starting to cooking. So you may see how I looks like at home. You also may see on my hand what I wrote you about in one of my previous letter. There are still traces from cuts on my hands, which I received in our last quarrel with my ex-husband, after which I divorced him. By the way, most of my pictures, which I'm sending you made by Neeno, she like to photography me.



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