Female Scammer Janet Daved

Janet Daved

Female Scammer Janet Daved

E-mail: janetmore28@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Janet
Location [Address]: unknown Lagos (Nigeria)
Age: 28
Birth Date:
Aliases: Jannet

Reports :

"You know, I've been thinking a lot about our conversation today again... about my last letter. Janet ,have you noticed that we have been talking about serious things lately? I didn't even notice how you got into my life!? I'm telling you everything without a doubt... You've won my trust.... This is a great success! I'm glad you came into my life, and now I can't imagine life without you. You have filled my life with happiness and new emotions. I've never felt so good with anyone as with you Janet! Now I can't imagine how I would have lived without you. But now I know for sure that I want to create a serious relationship with you! I had a great day today My beloved mother came to visit me! She also noticed that I am much happier and more cheerful now. I almost always have a smile on my face, and my mom was also interested in the reason for my happiness. After all, you can't hide anything from your parents. You can talk to your mom about anything. Really? Mom will always understand and support. This time I couldn't resist telling my mother that I met you Janet.I told her that you make me happy even from a distance! I told you about the nice letters you write to me. Mom was glad to see me "



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