Female Scammer Jane Johnson

Jane Johnson

Female Scammer Jane Johnson

E-mail: lovelyjane102@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Jane
Location [Address]: unknown Abeokuta (Nigeria); Ogun (Nig
Age: 30
Birth Date:
Aliases: Janee

Reports :

Hello my dear friend. I found a problem with my mail!!!
"I am not sure if you received my last letter. I am sending it to you again. If you wrote to me, please send it again. I'm glad Sam that you took time for me and wrote this long-awaited letter, I'm very pleased!.You make me feel needed. Thank you so much! These are difficult times in the world and we all need support.I'm glad that you came into my life, it's not just for fun. I think the universe brought us together, the stars were aligned for me to get to know you.Do you believe in horoscopes? The day I decided to get acquainted with you I happened to see my horoscope.It said it was a good day to meet the opposite ***.I am beginning to notice that everything in my life is planned, as if someone has planned everything for me beforehand.I do not know how to explain it, it can be called fate or a matter of chance, but sometimes it scares me. I have been very sad lately and I was asking for a man in my head and you came along.I am grateful to fate for that! Once again, I was convinced that thoughts materialize if you want them to.I would be interested to read your thoughts about it, if you understand me.May be because of the online translator, the meaning of my words will be lost and you won't understand fully what I mean when I describe my feelings.But if you feel me you will understand. I believe you will understand me.I will tell you what happened to me last night. I was lying asleep. I was awakened by the barking of my dog. The dog lives in the barn with the other animals. He's their keeper.I ran over there. I thought someone was trying to steal something from my farm again. I had already had animals, feed, and metal tools stolen from me once.The thieves were found later; they turned out to be local alcoholics. They needed money to buy alcohol.I did not blame them; apparently, the craving for alcohol is a curse of Russian men. In addition, they returned everything and as a reconciliation helped me clean the barn. And how can one build a family with such men As it turned out, that night 4 goats decided to give birth at the same time. They were too early to give birth, it came as a surprise to me.I ended up having to wake up around 2:00am this morning. I helped my girls to ********* (give birth) and fed the newborn goats.All went well, all are healthy, you can congratulate me on the addition.In the morning I went to plow my plot of land with a tractor. I have 15 hectares of land. I plant wheat, barley and potatoes there.It was tiring, I was very tired. I recently came back from a bath and decided to write to you. I couldn't leave you out of it. I will go to bed now.I can't feel my legs. By the way, I found some pictures of my fishing trophies. I'm sending them to you.Maybe someday we'll spend time together on a fishing trip and enjoy nature and each other's company.Sorry I don't write much, I'm already falling asleep."
Tomorrow is a new day, may it be kind to us, bye! Your Jane Johnson"



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