Female Scammer Irina Zubkova

Irina Zubkova

Female Scammer Irina Zubkova

E-mail: irina-irina2004@yandex.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Irina
Location [Address]: Russia, 461550, Orenburg area, Akbulak (Russia)
Age: 18
Birth Date:
Aliases: Ira, Irena, Irene, Irinka, Iri

Reports :

-Original Message-
Let's divide the world! The sun is for you, the light is for me; The sea is for you, the waves are for me; Heaven - to you, the stars to me; ... Listen, wait, and let's get better: Everything is for you, but YOU are for me?))) Hello ! How are you my dear ? It was with this little poem that I decided to start today's letter to you - I wanted to write a little poem for you for a long time and today I finally did it! To be honest, of course, the translation was not very successful, but the most important point is I hope you understand it !)) I am a romantic girl and this little poem was written about 3 months ago when I was sad and lonely! I really hope that you will like my work!)) But now there is you - my best my most beautiful friend and I am very and pleasant to communicate with you! There are no words - I just want to say thank you so much that you are what you write to me - thanks for this wonderful letter that I read today! With each letter you give me such wonderful moments - I remember your every word, I remember your every letter! YOU are just a miracle - and I am very very glad that you have my best ! So suddenly there was free time and what to do I absolutely can not imagine!)) You know when there is no loved one it seems that you just lose the time of your life - you agree! To be honest - it would be wonderful if for example you were here now - we probably talked so much - of course my spoken English is not ideal, but I can communicate with you! let's imagine now that we, for example, are now with you in nature! Presented? We set up a tent, light a fire - what will we do??? Grill kebabs or something else? Introduced the situation? Can you write a sequel to me in the next letter??? I’m very interested!)) You know, I’ll make my new paintings for you! Good? And I ask you if there are new pictures send me - letters with your photos are just super - Ok! Well you need to finish already! YOU probably already tired of my letter - - you think probably talkative am I?)) Well, tomorrow I hope to see your answer again and I will be happy to answer you!)



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