Female Scammer Irina Nadtochieva

Irina Nadtochieva

Female Scammer Irina Nadtochieva

E-mail: iimira@bk.ru
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Irina
Location [Address]: unknown Krasnodar (Russia)
Age: 25
Birth Date:
Aliases: Ira, Irena, Irene, Irinka, Iri

Reports :

this woman had a page on myspace.com, recently just deleted or block me, her story is that she is from the town where i live in baton rouge la, went to nigeria for a modeling jog, that turned out to be cancel and purchased a one way ticket there, i have been talking with her for months, and have encouraged her to go to logas embassy for help and she refuses says she needs money to get there michael toups (6/25/2007 7:18:10 AM): hi lindsay how are you michael toups (6/25/2007 7:18:19 AM): havent heard from you michael toups (6/25/2007 7:18:52 AM): where are you now lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:19:50 AM): im still in africa lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:20:10 AM): what do you want to d about that lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:20:59 AM): do you have any goo michael toups (6/25/2007 7:21:03 AM): honey i cant do nothing here on my end except try and give some ideas, for you to try and get back, the embassies can help you if you can get there , i have some phone numbers for you if you want them lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:21:07 AM): good news for me? lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:21:33 AM): i don michael toups (6/25/2007 7:21:46 AM): yes i have spoken to the embassy concerning ur situationa and they said they can help u get home lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:21:54 AM): ti dont want them,i need money to get there michael toups (6/25/2007 7:22:23 AM): where are you excatly located in africa sugar lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:22:42 AM): im in nigeria michael toups (6/25/2007 7:22:51 AM): ok what city and state lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:23:00 AM): lagos lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:23:06 AM): surulere michael toups (6/25/2007 7:23:38 AM): how far from victoria island are u lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:24:19 AM): to get to vi island i will need about 150buck for transportation to get there michael toups (6/25/2007 7:24:45 AM): ok but how far are you from victoria island in distance lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:25:18 AM): i don't know much about that here,i don't know the miles michael toups (6/25/2007 7:25:25 AM): oh ok michael toups (6/25/2007 7:25:36 AM): where are you staying at now lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:25:47 AM): i am i surulere lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:26:04 AM): im in surulere michael toups (6/25/2007 7:26:53 AM): ok well look do me a favor i am headed for work email me all your information ok and see what i can do cant promise but will check into it ok lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:27:37 AM): okay michael toups (6/25/2007 7:27:38 AM): i have a friend working in the oilfield there i will make conntact with , that i might be able to send to you to get you out of there and to embassy ok lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:27:48 AM): are u sure abot this?or u are kidding me? michael toups (6/25/2007 7:27:57 AM): he is working in the delta niger region now michael toups (6/25/2007 7:28:17 AM): honey im serious, if i can make contact with him , lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:28:32 AM): hey i don't want to involve myself with anyone here michael toups (6/25/2007 7:28:36 AM): he is a contractor that goes out there lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:28:44 AM): and also that's another state here in nigeriia michael toups (6/25/2007 7:28:52 AM): hey im looking at sending u help to come home to me michael toups (6/25/2007 7:28:57 AM): so what michael toups (6/25/2007 7:29:06 AM): we are very close like brothers michael toups (6/25/2007 7:29:15 AM): we do things for each other lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:29:16 AM): send the money to me directly if u are serious about it lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:29:43 AM): if u don't want to help me,i guess this is the last time i will chat with yo u michael toups (6/25/2007 7:29:50 AM): i told you before what is going on here about that honey michael toups (6/25/2007 7:30:01 AM): that is wrong to say that, these conditions michael toups (6/25/2007 7:30:40 AM): here im trying to get u sound help and u refuse, western union is not letting any money go to ppl we have not even seen baby michael toups (6/25/2007 7:30:43 AM): i never seen u michael toups (6/25/2007 7:30:55 AM): i meet u on line and yes i want to help if i can michael toups (6/25/2007 7:31:03 AM): so this is a possible way to help u lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:31:34 AM): u can go to another western union location michael toups (6/25/2007 7:31:36 AM): as far as the money , he will have money to give u trust me on that, and make sure you get to the embassy for a free ticket home no cost to u michael toups (6/25/2007 7:32:23 AM): no we cant its nation wide honey, they was accused of being part of a big scam operation out there and now the offices in the usa has clamped down on money going to africia michael toups (6/25/2007 7:32:36 AM): it was all over news, ophra show exposed it michael toups (6/25/2007 7:32:45 AM): on a program about on line dating scams lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:32:56 AM): that's not true michael toups (6/25/2007 7:33:05 AM): would you like me to send u the link lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:33:16 AM): i don't want michael toups (6/25/2007 7:33:31 AM): well im telling u what is going on back here honey lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:33:41 AM): u keep telling me same o same o story michael toups (6/25/2007 7:33:42 AM): thats all i can do is be truthful with u michael toups (6/25/2007 7:33:50 AM): cos its true lindsay michael toups (6/25/2007 7:33:56 AM): i have no reason to ******** u michael toups (6/25/2007 7:34:00 AM): im not that way lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:34:33 AM): okay by something that worths the money and shi3p it down here lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:34:41 AM): and i will try to sell it michael toups (6/25/2007 7:35:18 AM): just email me the details ok, i have to get ready for work now, it was good to talk to you again , lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:35:39 AM): i think u have the details with you michael toups (6/25/2007 7:35:39 AM): and i will try and contact my friend there michael toups (6/25/2007 7:35:52 AM): no i dont honey u never emailed me with the info lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:35:53 AM): i have given the details to you before michael toups (6/25/2007 7:36:01 AM): not by email michael toups (6/25/2007 7:36:41 AM): email so that i have record of it and wont misplace it , if you gave to me on IM here i mise placed it email it to me that way i have it and wont lose it ok michael toups (6/25/2007 7:37:03 AM): look i have to get out of here honey or i will be late michael toups (6/25/2007 7:37:18 AM): i still love u and be careful out there ok michael toups (6/25/2007 7:37:28 AM): i know its hard and not easy for you michael toups (6/25/2007 7:37:33 AM): email me ok michael toups (6/25/2007 7:37:37 AM): talk to u later michael toups (6/25/2007 7:37:45 AM): michael toups (6/25/2007 7:37:52 AM): i got to go now lindsay ferguson (6/25/2007 7:38:08 AM): okay I have pic to add to profile



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