Female Scammer Erickson Crystal

Erickson Crystal

Female Scammer Erickson Crystal

E-mail: ericksonjennifer12@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Erickson
Location [Address]:
Age: 30
Birth Date: 22-07-1980
Erickson Crystal

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Erickson Crystal

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Erickson Crystal

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Reports :


Hello Dear,
It is my pleasure meeting you, I hope all is well with you and how are you enjoying your day?
As you have known already from the site, my name is Erickson Crystal Jennifer, however, I really want to establish a true relationship with you and even to have a business partnership as well. I am American military officer currently in Libya, and i will like to get you acquainted, because I am a loving, honest and caring person with a good sense of humor, I enjoy meeting and sharing views with people and also knowing their way of life, I also enjoy watching the sea waves and the beauty of the mountains and everything that nature has to offer.
My dear, I want you to know the problems we are facing here in Libya as we are being attacked everyday by insurgents and car bomb explosion, but during our rescue mission we came across a safe box that contain huge amount of money that belongs to the supporters of the over thrown government of Libya, which I believe was money meant for importation of weapons and ammunition, and it was agreed by my Army officers troop present to share the money among us and which we did. My share is
$4,560,000 (Four Million Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand united states Dollars)
I am seeking your assurance and assistance to secure my share of the money out of this country (Libya) for safe keeping on my behalf. If you can be trusted, I will really want you to assure me that if this money gets to you in your country that you will not disappoint me, until when I will come to your country to collect the money from you . I would also want you to know that i have made a solid arrangements with a reliable security delivery company and they have promised to cooperate to deliver the funds through their diplomatic method to any of my choosing destination.
This delivery is going to be handle legally by the security company and there will not be any form of risk involve during the process and the money will be packaged safely in a military truck box case . Also, I have decided to compensate you with 30% of the total money once you received the money, while the rest balance shall be for my investment funds in your country.
Meanwhile I do not know how long we going to remain here and my fate since I have survived two bomb attack here, which prompted me to search out for a reliable and trust worthy person to help me receive and invest the fund, because I will be coming over to your home country to invest and start a new life not as a soldier anymore. Please do not discuss this matter to a third party, and if you are not interested to do this business please kindly delete this letter from your email box to avoid any leakage of this information and it will be dangerous to me based on my position here.
I hope my explanation is very clear but should in case of any question, please feel free to ask via email only because we are not allow to make use of mobile phone, we only make use of radio message.
I wait for your immediate reply.
Love from...
Sargent Erickson Crystal Jennifer

Hello Dear,
Thanks for your kind response and i am very happy after reading your mail. It is my pleasure meeting you, I hope all is well with you and how are you enjoying your day ?
As you have known already from the site, my name is Erickson Crystal Jennifer. However, I really want to establish a true relationship with you and even to have a business partnership as well. I am American military officer currently in Libya, and i will like to get you acquainted, because I am a loving, honest and caring person with a good sense of humor, I enjoy meeting and sharing views with people and also knowing their way of life, I also enjoy watching the sea waves and the beauty of the mountains and everything that nature has to offer.
My dear, I want you to know the problems we are facing here in Libya as we are being attacked everyday by insurgents and car bomb explosion, but during our rescue mission we came across a safe box that contain huge amount of money that belongs to the supporters of the over thrown government of Libya, which I believe was money meant for importation of weapons and ammunition, and it was agreed by my Army officers troop present to share the money among us and which we did. My share is
$4,560,000 (Four Million Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand united states Dollars)
I am seeking your assurance and assistance to secure my share of the money out of this country ( Libya ) for safe keeping on my behalf. If you can be trusted, I will really want you to assure me that if this money gets to you in your country that you will not disappoint me, until when I will come to your country to collect the money from you .
I would also want you to know that i have made a solid arrangements with a reliable security delivery company and they have promised to cooperate to deliver the funds through their diplomatic method to any of my choosing destination. This delivery is going to be handle legally by the security company and there will not be any form of risk involve during the process and the money will be packaged safely in a military truck box case . Also, I have decide to compensate you with 30% of the total money once you received the money, while the rest balance shall be for my investment funds in your country.
Meanwhile, I do not know how long we going to remain here and my fate since I have survived two bomb attack here, which prompted me to search out for a reliable and trust worthy person to help me receive and invest the fund, because I will be coming over to your home country to invest and start a new life not as a soldier anymore. Please do not discuss this matter to a third party, and if you are not interested to do this business please kindly delete this letter from your email box to avoid any leakage of this information and it will be dangerous to me based on my position here.
I hope my explanation is very clear but should in case of any question, please feel free to ask via email only because we are not allow to make use of mobile phone, we only make use of radio message.

I wait for your immediate reply.
Love from...
Sargent Erickson Crystal Jennifer

Hello dear
nice to meet you,
my name is Erickson Crystal Jennifer,
there is something very important i would like to discus with you
please respond to me so that i can give you every details about it,
God bless you.
My beloved,
Good day to you and how is your health today, i hope your health is fine ?
I want to say thanks to you for making out time to write to me again, the content of your letter are well understood, i do not want you to see this business as some thing that will bring problem to you, but i want you to trust and believe me when i say that there is nothing to worry about in this deal, honestly i have made every necessary arrangement that will lead to safe delivery of the cash box to you without any form of problem nor risk, all the necessary arrangement that will lead to safe delivery of the cash box to you without any form of problem nor risk have already been made.
I'm a woman that does things in accordance to the directives of my spirit, i chose you to be my partner and also help me in receiving this cash box because my spirit has been bearing me witness that you are the rightful person for me and i know you will not disappoint me, i chose to use you as partner in this deal because am not permitted to send package down to any of my friends nor relatives since am still in the military camp outside USA , if i eventually send out any thing to the USA it will be suspicious and i will be query for the action, so i chose you because i know you are the ideal person for this deal as foreigner who is not a USA citizen.
Please put away fear or doubt and make up your mind to help me in this matter, i promise you you will not regret been part of this matter, i do not know what else i can say to convince you and make you to believe me, but i pray that God will give you the grace to make up your mind. One more time i want to let you know that there is no complication on this matter, if you follow my instruction every thing will go smooth and well in the process of receiving the cash box, Please try and keep this matter between you and i, because if you and i should agree on one thing with our heart with seriousness then we must surely achieve success at the end.
Please i want to remind you once again that every arrangement towards this project is intact between both of us and on no account should you let the ''Security and delivery company'' to know the content of the box, remember that the consignment was registered as diplomatic package to the security company and that is what they believe to be in the box, so you should not let them know that the content of the box is money. Please I will like you to send your contact information to me so that i can forward to the security company to enable them proceed to your country for the final delivery of the cash box to your door step. Send your below information to me urgently...
Your full names:...........
Your address:..............
Post code:.................
Your Age.................
Telephone number:................
Once am through here with my official assignment i will come over to meet you one on one in your country and after that we shall decide on how to carry on with our life, but for now please i will appreciate us to be more focus on this issue of you receiving the cash box and safe keeping it on my behalf till i come over then i will handle the depositing of the money in the bank by myself.
I await your immediate response
Love and care from,
Jennifer Crystal Erickson

I'm delighted writing to inform you about the new development concerning your bank draft cheque that was given to me from Bashan Jennifer, since I couldn't hear from you and due to my long trip. So I have dropped your cheque to Compass Express is an UK Courier Services but they have sister corresponding office here in Dakar, Senegal.
I deposited it with them to bring it to your home country because I waited for you to get back to me but I could not hear from you again, after much thought, I decided to deposit it with Compass Express here in Dakar Senegal for safety before I traveled out of the country for a course I'm undergoing right now and it will last for three months, so I won't be around for the period of three months either.

In this regard, I will advise you to contact the Compass Express as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you before the expiration date. For your information, I have paid for the delivery charges of the bank draft but they will only demand the sum of
$120 US Dollars
for security and demurrage fees which you will send to the courier & security company to deliver your draft direct to your postal address in your home country. Again, do not be deceived by anybody to pay more than
$120 US Dollars
I would have pay for the security department but the security department warned that I should not pay for security reasons, they really need to hear from you and demands that the payment will come direct from your destination to avoid some unwarranted mistakes. Therefore you need to contact the courier company immediately and pay for the charges which will not exceed the sum of $120 US Dollars. Below is the contact information of the Compass Express:
Compass Express Worldwide (Courier Services)
Registration Number: 10102/2016
Reference Number: 10004987/AWE45
Code Number: 65GXFT0021XCT
Finally, make sure that you reconfirm your postal address and direct telephone numbers to them again to avoid any mistake on the delivery address. And Write to Compass Express through the e-mail address and telephone above. To avoid any further delay and remember to pay them security keeping fee of $120 US Dollars for immediate action and fast delivery to your postal address, listen very carefully, Compass Express does not know the contents of the parcel.
I registered it as my photographs (pictures) are being sent to a friend overseas. They do not know that it contains a bank draft of such a huge amount of money. This is to avoid them tampering with the package, do not let them know the content, I am waiting to hear good news from you once you contact them and received your package.
Remain blessed forever.
Best regards.
Rev. Father Kevin Paul



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