Female Scammer Anna Hohlikova

Anna Hohlikova

Female Scammer Anna Hohlikova

E-mail: Annafr7@rambler.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Anna
Location [Address]: unknown Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia)
Age: 27
Birth Date:
Aliases: Ana, Anechka, Aneshka, Ania, A

Reports :

Hello Anna, How was your day? How is your health? As for me, it is too important to care about your health. I could make your day happier, when you come home after a working day. We might go to the restaurant or make a romantic dinner at home, what would you like to choose? I like to read your emails, you are so attentive to me. You have so much attention and kindness, they are the most important human qualities. I believe we will never disappoint each other. I think our relationships will be constantly developing every day. We needn't look back at the past, we have to move on. I hope we will enjoy life together. Our letter-writing means for me more than just friendship as I opened to you my inner thoughts and my heart. I feel a kind of connection between us, my heart begins to beat faster when I write to you. And sure, I want to know more about you. I like to speak about life. I am interested in building my private life, and I hope we will develop our relationship. Unfortunately, I feel lonely when I go away from my computer. I would like to be with my beloved, to speak with him comfortably. And it doesn't matter what is happening around us, I want to enjoy being near my beloved. It is important for me to know: if you would have met a girl whom you would love with all heart, would you want to forget for a while what is happening around you? We shouldn't feel ashamed of our thoughts. Now I am going to have a cup of green tea and it would be interesting to get your answer.



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