Female Scammer Alina 


Female Scammer Alina 

E-mail: beeklik@list.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Alina
Location [Address]: unknown Kazan (Russia)
Age: 26
Birth Date:
Aliases: Alinka, Alya, Alyna, Alynka

Reports :

Good day my dear friend Colin. How are you? I waited back only from you and therefore you can't possibly even present as I'm pleased..... Write to me more about itself. I want to know you better! I hope that my letter wasn't so big and hasn't had time to bother you my dear friend Colin. The matter is that I very much would like to write to you much about myself. I want you to know all about me. I want to tell you about my mum. My mother was born in the city of Perm on August,10 1961 and she is now 62 years old. My lovely mother gave birth to me at 23 years… My parents met in my city, Perm. It happened when my mum came back from the garden.... She went from a garden where we now raise the summer vegetables and mum had big bags.. She went home and when has approached to a stop to her has approached young good man, it was my father. Also has asked to help to carry bags. Mum has agreed and so they also have got acquainted. Then my parents met that year and in 1984 my parents got married. Here they also have remained to live.... After the wedding I appeared in this sweet world. I grew without sisters and without brothers..... In our family only I'm a child. I don't know why I was one in the family, it was likely the difficult economic side was. There were problems. I don't know, I did not ask my parents about it because I had my lovely parents. How do I speak your language? I hope what I say, you can understand and read without problems? Studying my language began at school. I very much loved this language, and I always wanted to study to speak about your language easily and freely. I think to you it was interesting to learn a story about my parents and about that as I have appeared in this world and I think that with each new letter we will recognize each other because any relations are under construction from below up! I will wait for your newsletter…



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