Female Scammer Natalya Ocinkona

Natalya Ocinkona

Female Scammer Natalya Ocinkona

E-mail: ladynat@burummail.net
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First Name: Natalya
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I have one that has been writing to me for two months. she asked for $690 after about a month. she finally got mad and told me if I did not send the money right now I would never meet her. She never told me how or where to send the money. She would not give me a name or address. She is working out of true.com under winterprincess. Name and email: Natalya ladynat@burummail.net here is my first letter: I am from Russia. But its impossible to send any email on the site from 'russian' profile at all. This is why my profile said that I am from USA. Excuse me please for this misunderstanding. I hope on your understanding. My name is Natalya. I do not know as to begin this first letter to you, I just tell you something about me. I am 28 years old, my birthday is 11 November 1978 year. And when does your birthday? My country named Russia. I live in village Sivyakovo that situated in about 40 kilometers from the Chita. I live in very good village. It is not big, just have one small shop and railroad station. I rent an room here because its cheaper than in Chita. What about your city? What is its name? How many peoples live there? In Chita I have a work. Every morning I with my girlfriend going on railroad station together. From there I reach up Chita. My girlfriend works on this railroad station. I graduated from our States University, which is situated in Novosibirsk. I learned English at school and University but already do not remember many English - but I shall recollect and learn English again. Please do not use dificult words and phrases in you letters. I shall be capable to understand you but it will just take more time this way. I was very surprised to receive your answer. I am very glad that I can to write to you this letter. I did not trust before that can be a dialogue through the Internet. It is my first experience. I very much want to know you more. How you have got in the Internet and why you search dialogue through on line? Please write me more about you, your life, city and country? I think you interresting about a reason why I am here. I search for my soulmate, to share with him all my happyness and love. I need to find real man for love and I hope its you. I understand that these desires are banal but care, love and understanding any woman wants in relations. Natalya P.S Also I will try to attach my photos in my letter - I hope I will do it correctly. Let me know if you receive it. this one is about her internet situation: I am very glad to receive your letter again. it is very pleasant fo me to know you better with each letter. I becoming attached to your letters and I like it very much. I am sorry that i finished my last letter so quick. Now I write you about my situation with the Internet. You already know a little about my village. It is too small and peoples here have no phones or Internet access. The only one computer with Internet access is on railroad station. I have the girlfriend who works as the cashier in this railroad station. Her name is Daria. As I say in my first letter we going together to the railroad station. She used this computer for working. So I can use her computer only after the end of her work. The Internet is very slow and bad here. Its free for me and it is very good because I heard that Internet cost too much here. I arrive on station from work at 7:40 pm and my girlfriend finished in 8:00 pm. Therefore I have only about 20 mimutes to write you. This station is open 24 hours but Daria works only till 8:00 pm. Other cashier working here at the nights. I can use the Internet only when Daria works here. because the rules of station forbids to use computers to other peoples. My girlfriend can be dismissed if the chief of station to know about my visits. My last letter has been finished so quickly because my time was over. Please write me more about situation with Internet access in your country. I am very interseting to know more about you. I not very good know English. Therefore I write my letters to you on a paper when I on work. When I come on railroad station I just I typing my letter on a computer. Therefore if I miss some of your questions please do not worry I shall answer on this questions in the following letter. Ok? I like to listen music very much and after I have got my first salary - I have bought a radio-player. I listen it when I sit in electric train and everywhere. Once I have heard by radio a very interesting program about dating on the Internet. They told about Russian girls and US men who dating in Internet and then in real life. I have heard as the girls told their histories. This stories about how they found the foreign love and soulmates. So I understood that Interent dating is a real way to find a second half. I thought it would be good to meet a man from another country. I do not belive that I can be happy with Russian men. All my married girlfriends are not happy and they have no furure with their Russian husbands. I thought about this program so much and have decided to try. Unfortunately i am very tired today i have to go home to eat and sleep. I wish you good night and hope to see your latter tomorrow... Natalya This image was also posted here:Dating scammer greenday564@gmail.com from Tomsk, Russia



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