Female Scammer Ekaterina 


Female Scammer Ekaterina 

E-mail: katu_sha07@mail.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Ekaterina
Location [Address]: unknown Donetsk (Ukraine)
Age: 26
Birth Date:
Aliases: Catherine, Ecaterina, Kat, Kat

Reports :

Hello my dear friend George!!!
"How are you? What have you been up to since we got together? What do you remember of the last week Thank you for your letter. Our getting to know each other makes it easier to get used to a new change in all of life's of all walks of life. Because life is different in China than in our country of England. People here are kind, conscientious, always help.Fortunately, a traumatic event has never happened to me.Realizing that it is difficult for me to get used to a different life. When I see what you wrote to me, my mood lifts. I think when I have more time for my personal life, we could have our first real date. I think it will be very enjoyable and interesting.When I have free time, you and I can have a date. We'll be able to Go to a movie theater or a cafe or just go for a walk. How do you want our date to be? Right now I'm working overtime. And I don't have any free time for my personal life.My dear George, you know I had a nice day today! Because I was thinking about you. Our communication makes my life easier.Because who I communicate with in china is only you.When I lived in Ukraine, I could go during the weekend to a cafe, walk in the park, visit the cinema. I like during the weekend to cook new dishes. Always my friends would come to visit. Because they knew I would make a cake or pies. They would say that my future husband would be very lucky because I would be a good cook.I wondered what you were doing during the weekend? I've always wondered what people on the other side of the world do! In our country. summer I could go camping in the countryside. We have very beautiful nature. At home I usually always read books.The last one I read was John Galsworthy's The Silver Box.Like all girls I have a passion. It is to be at the beach. I like swimming and sunbathing.This is where I will end my letter. Because I am very tired after work.Write to me . I look forward to your letter always. Ekaterina."



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