Scams » Scam Articles » Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Identity theft takes place when a big shot appropriates other person's private details without their familiarity to commend stealing or fraud. Identity theft is an automobile for caring out other types of scam schemes. Usually, the sufferer is led to think that they are revealing responsive private details to a lawful business, sometimes as a reply to a message solicitation to renew billing or membership details.


  1. Make sure websites are safe previous to submitting your credit card number else your number will be traced by scammers with the help of Credit-Card Scam technique.
  2. Try to get a physical address, rather than a P.O. Box.
  3. By no means chuck away credit card or bank statements in functional form.
  4. Never reveal your credit card number over the phone except you make the call.
  5. Watch carefully your credit statements monthly for any fake activity.
  6. Analysis a print of your credit report at least once in a year.

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