Female Scammer Marina 


Female Scammer Marina 

E-mail: pearly_mermaid@mail.ru
 4 ratings     

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First Name: Marina
Location [Address]: unknown Stakhanov (Ukraine)
Age: 27
Birth Date:
Aliases: Marinka, Marinochka, Marisha,

Reports :

I'm glad that now I have enough time to read your letter and write you my answer. Last time I really like such moments of my life. Because I can in some way escape from everything what it's around of me here. I can concentrate on my thoughts; on you're your words, some common ideas. When I spend time for our communication it's like I go to some magic island, and there are just you and me. And I really like these new moments of my life and it brings me lot of pleasure. Hope you feel something similar about our communication, Richard. Thank you for your answers to my previous letter and questions in it. As usual for me was interesting to know your thoughts about it and opinion. And when I found your new picture in attach to your letter from restaurant, it also made my mood more better, thank you for that. Yes, I understand how hard for you to leave your mother and I think you and your sister are very good children since you both take care of her and visit often. I'm sure such meeting also give much positive energy to your mother. About your country, I did few researched in internet and just curious about one thing, I think it has name "juvenile justice". I hope you know what it is. And there was written that your country one of a leader in using it. That government service can withdraw a child out of his family for some small, not very serious reason. And lately it will be hard to return this kid in family. Is it true? As you know I like to dream (smile). And my main dream now is the same as my main goal – to get love in my life and live happy family life further. But sometimes I also have another fantasies and dreams. Previous night I couldn't fall a sleep for some time. I though what I can compare our communication with? And I think I could find such comparison (smile). When I was young I very much liked lessons of history in school. I liked an ancient ages. I liked times of Cleopatra and Egypt at all. I liked times of King Richard and French history. And you know, I can compare our communication with that ancient times. When prince from one kingdom wrote a letter to princes from another kingdom. And they both should wait, while courier or post pigeon deliver such letters. Both prince and princes waited this letter with great impatience and such of letter was very important for them. In some way, now you and I have something similar. Yes, we don't need to wait so long, but I'm sure that each letter also very important and interesting for you and me. Do you agree with me?


You know, your letters are really very important for me. They help me not to feel so lonely in my life. Your letters and communication with you helps me to understand me myself better. The same time I learn you as a person. As a man, even maybe as my future soul mate… And all this really makes me feel much better. It may seems that it's ordinary communication, but it's not so! I see how our communication develops. I see that in many of letters we both put some kind of feelings and emotions. And it's really wonderful. Earlier I never thought, that such kinds of things are possible to convey through letters. But now I understand that all this is possible. Do you agree with me on it, or for you our letters are just letters and nothing more? It's absolute new experience for me and I like it. It also gives some kind of hope that one day it will be developed in something more serious and in reality. But just time will show it. I don't think that for it will be necessary too much time. But some time still necessary. And I want to remember you, that you always may write me all what you think and feel in your letters. I will understand it correct, don't worry.


Today in our post office happened thing, which I would like to share with you. Since I still think about it. A woman about 50-55 years old came to send an official letter to court that she wants to divorce. Since we live in small city, such thing also should be sent by post and registered. I saw this woman many times before and we had good communication. I saw that she very sad and would like to speak about it with somebody. So we had some conversation and I think she could a little bit feel better after it. She told me, that her husband brought into their house new young wife. According Muslim traditions men can have several wife's. But official law doesn't allows such things. So he just brought this young woman and told to the wife, that it his second wife will be. But his wife told him, that she doesn't agree with it and never be share her husband with any body else. That if her husband wants to have another wife in their house, then she going to divorce him officially and leave. It's not typical situation in our country, since most of women on her place would just accept this fact and never argue to husband. But she appeared to be stronger, principal and decided to divorce. I just still can't understand how local men can do such things? I'm sure they are married many years, they have kids. I think this woman was good wife and did all what was necessary in family. And now her husband not interested in her anymore as in woman and would like to have another young wife. It's not right and it's not fair, I believe! Now I will finish my letter and will wait for your answer soon, as usual, with great impatience. p.s. I'm sending you another picture of me from walking in the park. When I go there I take something what birds may eat as bread.



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