Female Scammer Julia Titouwa

Julia Titouwa

Female Scammer Julia Titouwa

E-mail: sundariniy@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Julia
Location [Address]: unknown Dobryanka (Russia)
Age: 27
Birth Date:
Aliases: Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Jule, J

Reports :

Letter 1this girl uses photos of a famous Russian gymnast - Alina Kabaeva....and asks for money from men telling that it is exactly her you see on photos: 1 shortcut from one of her letters: "It is sometimes very difficult to ask the stranger about help.but when all friends have given up, there is no another way.my mum very strongly was ill, but it is no money to perform it operation, at it рак.if you will give up to me, I shall understand you, but I hope at you have kind heart. julia" 2 shortcut: "yes,it'is me on photo,if you want i can arrive to you,i can't invite you to me,because my mom is very ill,she need very difficult operation,and now i'm searching money to do it for her.julia"



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